Ep 50. The North Pole
- January 1, 1970
- 11 min
Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom is an animated TV series that revolves around the lives of two young wizards, Ben Elf and Princess Holly, and their magical adventures in the Little Kingdom. In season 1 episode 50, titled "The North Pole," the duo embarks on a thrilling journey to the coldest, most enchanting place on Earth.
The episode begins with Ben and Holly's class visiting the little kingdom's zoo. They are excited to see all the animals, but when they reach the penguins' enclosure, they notice something strange. The penguins are not happy as they used to be. They are shivering, and their homes are melting. Holly understands that it must be because of global warming. She decides to find a solution to help the penguins before it's too late.
Holly asks Ben if he can take her to the North Pole, where she can get the magical plants she needs to save the penguins' habitat. Ben, excited for the adventure, obliges. He uses his magic wand to create a portal to the North Pole. Once they arrive, they are greeted by a friendly polar bear named Peter. He informs them that the plants Holly needs grow on top of a mountain, which is an arduous trek. He offers to guide them but warns them that they need to be careful as the weather can be unpredictable, and there are dangerous creatures on the mountain.
The trio sets off for the mountain, and as they ascend, they encounter hurdles in the form of snowstorms and steep cliffs. But with their combined magic and bravery, they finally reach the summit. Holly collects the magical plants she needs and decides to create a blubber coat for the penguins. The blubber coat will protect them from the cold and give them a safe environment to live in.
Back at the little kingdom's zoo, Holly puts her plan into action. She wraps the blubber coats around the penguins, and instantly they start to feel better. They start playing and swimming around like they used to. Holly's plan was a success, and the class is thrilled to see the penguins happy again.
In conclusion, Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom season 1 episode 50, "The North Pole" is an exciting adventure that teaches valuable lessons about environmental protection and helping those in need. The episode reinforces the importance of working together, using our abilities, and taking action to make the world a better place. It is an entertaining and educational show for both children and adults.