Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom Season 1 Episode 47

Ep 47. Daisy and Poppy's Pet

  • January 1, 1970
  • 11 min

Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom is a British animated television series that revolves around the adventures of Ben Elf, Princess Holly, King and Queen Thistle, and the fairy folk in their magical kingdom. Season 1 episode 47, "Daisy and Poppy's Pet," follows the mischievous twin fairy sisters Daisy and Poppy as they try to sneak a pet into the castle.

The episode begins with Ben and Holly playing outside in the meadow. They stumble upon a beautiful caterpillar, and Ben suggests that they take it to show the King and Queen. As they make their way to the castle, they run into Daisy and Poppy, their mischievous fairy friends. Daisy and Poppy are playing with a magic wand, and they accidentally turn the caterpillar into a frog.

Ben and Holly are upset that the caterpillar is now a frog, but Daisy and Poppy don't seem to understand what the fuss is about. They suggest that they turn the frog into a butterfly, but Ben reminds them that the caterpillar is a living creature and should be left alone.

Daisy and Poppy don't understand why Ben and Holly are so worried about the caterpillar. They explain that they want a pet, but their parents won't let them have one because they're too young and irresponsible. Ben and Holly sympathize with their fairy friends and suggest that they keep the frog as their pet. Daisy and Poppy are thrilled with the idea, and they happily take the frog back to the castle.

Once they get to the castle, Daisy and Poppy show the frog to Nanny Plum, the castle's resident fairy nanny. Nanny Plum is skeptical about the pet frog and warns Daisy and Poppy that they have to take care of it. She gives them a list of things to do, like feeding it, cleaning its enclosure, and taking it for walks. Daisy and Poppy excitedly promise to take good care of their new pet.

The next day, the King and Queen come to visit Ben and Holly at the castle. Daisy and Poppy eagerly show off their new pet frog to the royal couple. The King and Queen are amused by the frog and ask Daisy and Poppy how they're taking care of it. Daisy and Poppy proudly show them the list of chores that Nanny Plum gave them and assure them that they're doing a great job.

However, things start to go wrong when Daisy and Poppy show their pet frog to the other fairy children at a playdate. The other fairies are not impressed with the frog and find it boring. Daisy and Poppy try to impress them by showing off the frog's tricks, like jumping and croaking. However, the other fairies are not amused and start to make fun of Daisy and Poppy.

Daisy and Poppy are upset that their friends don't like their pet frog. They start to doubt whether they're good pet owners and wonder if they should give the frog back to the meadow. Ben and Holly try to reassure them that they're doing a great job and that the other fairies are just being mean. They remind Daisy and Poppy that the most important thing is that they love and take care of their pet.

Daisy and Poppy take Ben and Holly's advice and continue to take care of their pet frog with love and care. Eventually, the other fairies come around and start to appreciate the frog's unique qualities. Daisy and Poppy are overjoyed that their friends like their pet, and they realize that having a pet is a big responsibility, but also a lot of fun.

In conclusion, "Daisy and Poppy's Pet" is a heartwarming and humorous episode that teaches children about the responsibility and joy of having a pet. Through the misadventures of Daisy and Poppy and their pet frog, children learn about the importance of taking care of living creatures and valuing the love and companionship that pets bring.

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  • First Aired
    January 1, 1970
  • Runtime
    11 min
  • Language