Ep 43. The Elf Submarine
- January 1, 1970
- 11 min
Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom is a British animated television series created by Neville Astley and Mark Baker. The show follows the adventures of a young fairy princess named Holly and her best friend, a young elf named Ben, as they explore the magical kingdom where they live together. In the 43rd episode of season one, titled "The Elf Submarine," Ben and Holly take a ride in an incredible submarine created by the elf engineer, Redbeard.
The episode begins with Ben and Holly visiting Redbeard, the elf engineer who is known for his amazing creations. They are amazed by his latest invention, a submarine, and ask if they can take a ride in it. Redbeard agrees, and they set off on their underwater adventure.
As they explore the depths of the ocean, they come across many amazing sea creatures, including a giant octopus, a school of colorful fish, and a group of dolphins who show them where to find treasure. But their adventure takes a turn when they encounter a hungry shark, and Redbeard must use all of his engineering skills to keep the submarine safe.
With Redbeard's help, Ben and Holly are able to outsmart the shark and continue their journey. They discover a sunken pirate ship and retrieve a treasure chest filled with gold and jewels. But their joy is short-lived when they realize that the treasure belongs to the mermaids, who appear and demand that it be returned to them.
Ben and Holly are saddened by their mistake, but Redbeard comes up with a solution. He uses his engineering skills to create a device that helps the mermaids find a new source of treasure, making things right between them.
As the episode comes to a close, Ben and Holly return to the surface and thank Redbeard for an incredible adventure. They realize that even in the magical kingdom, it's important to be respectful of others and to use their powers for good.
Overall, "The Elf Submarine" is a fun and exciting episode that showcases the creativity and ingenuity of the magical creatures that live in Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom. With stunning animation, lovable characters, and a valuable lesson to be learned, it's sure to be a beloved episode for fans of the show of all ages.