Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom Season 1 Episode 42

Ep 42. Dinner Party

  • January 1, 1970
  • 11 min
  •   (7)

Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom is a British animated television series targeted towards young children. It follows the story of a fairy princess named Holly and her best friend, Ben the Elf, as they explore and learn about their magical world. In season 1 episode 42, titled "Dinner Party," viewers are treated to a special event - a dinner party hosted by King and Queen Thistle!

The episode begins with preparations for the dinner party underway. The castle is being scrubbed and polished, and the chefs are hard at work preparing a feast fit for royalty. It's clear that King and Queen Thistle want everything to be perfect for their guests. Holly and Ben are invited, naturally, and they're both excited to attend their first ever dinner party.

As the guests arrive, Holly and Ben are introduced to a host of interesting characters. There's Ladybird and Gaston the ladybird and snail, the Wise Old Elf, Nanny Plum, and several other fairy and elf friends. They're all dressed in their best clothes and are ready to enjoy a night of dining, dancing, and socializing.

Once everyone is seated, the feast begins. The table is laden with all kinds of delicious food - roasted vegetables, steaming pies, juicy fruits, and more. Everyone talks and laughs as they eat, sharing stories and catching up on news. Holly and Ben marvel at the grown-up atmosphere, feeling very sophisticated themselves.

But, as is usually the case in this show, things don't go exactly as planned. Just as dessert is being served, a loud rumbling is heard. At first, everyone thinks it's just their stomachs - they did eat a lot, after all. But then, to their horror, they notice that the castle is shaking.

It turns out that an enormous giant is walking past the castle, and his footsteps are making the whole building shake. Everyone panics, and Queen Thistle orders all the guests to hide under the table. But there's a problem - the table is so big that not everyone can fit.

Holly and Ben come up with a plan. Using a little bit of fairy magic, they shrink the table and all the dinner guests down to tiny size. Now, the whole party can hide under the table with room to spare. The giant's footsteps continue to shake things up, but the guests are safe and sound.

Once the danger has passed, Holly and Ben un-shrink the table and the guests return to their normal size. The party starts up again, and it's even better than before. The guests are all grateful to Holly and Ben for their quick thinking, and they declare the dinner party to be a huge success.

In the end, everyone is happy and full of food. The episode wraps up with the guests saying their goodbyes, promising to get together again soon. Holly and Ben are left feeling proud of themselves for saving the day, and grateful for their friendship with each other and the other fairies and elves.

In conclusion, "Dinner Party" is a fun episode full of food, friends, and adventure. It showcases the charm and whimsy of the show, while also highlighting the importance of quick thinking and problem solving. Kids will love watching Holly and Ben navigate their way through the drama of the giant's footsteps, and will be left feeling inspired to use their own creativity and imaginations to solve problems in their own lives.

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  • First Aired
    January 1, 1970
  • Runtime
    11 min
  • Language