Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom Season 1 Episode 40

Ep 40. Camping Out

  • January 1, 1970
  • 11 min
  •   (6)

Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom season 1 episode 40, titled "Camping Out," follows the cute little duo as they plan a camping trip with their friends Tuck and Stripes. The four friends are excited to spend time outdoors, away from their usual hangout spots in the Little Kingdom.

The episode begins with Ben and Holly discussing their camping trip plans with their parents, King Thistle and Queen Thistle. The queen offers to lend them her old tent, which Ben gladly accepts. The four friends then gather their camping gear and set out into the woods.

Once they arrive at their campsite, they immediately get to work setting up the tent and getting a campfire going. Tuck and Stripes are tasked with gathering firewood, while Ben and Holly set up the tent. However, things don't go exactly according to plan as they struggle with the tent. After several failed attempts, they finally manage to get it right.

As night falls, the friends settle around the campfire to enjoy dinner and tell spooky stories. In true camping fashion, they roast marshmallows and hot dogs over the fire and talk about all sorts of things – from their favorite things to do in the Little Kingdom, to their dreams for the future.

But their peaceful night is interrupted by some unexpected visitors – a group of foxes who have their eyes set on the friends' food. They manage to scare the foxes away by making loud noises and flashing their lights, but they realize they may need to be more careful in the future. They also decide to hide their food away from the tent to prevent any further encounters with the foxes.

As the night wears on, the friends start to get tired and head back to their tent to get some rest. However, they soon discover that sleeping in the woods is not as easy as they thought – there are all sorts of strange noises and creatures that they're not used to. Tuck and Stripes get particularly scared and start to miss their own beds back home.

Ben and Holly try to comfort their friends and reassure them that they'll be safe. They even sing a lullaby to help them relax. Eventually, everyone falls asleep and the night passes without any further incidents.

In the morning, the friends wake up to a beautiful sunrise and take a walk around the woods. They collect some berries and wildflowers to take home as souvenirs and marvel at the natural beauty around them. They even spot a deer and stop to observe it from a distance.

As they pack up their campsite and say goodbye to the woods, the friends reflect on their camping trip. They may have encountered some bumps along the way, but they all agree that it was a fun and memorable experience.

Overall, "Camping Out" is a heartwarming episode that highlights the importance of spending time outdoors and trying new things. It also emphasizes the value of friendship and supporting one another through challenges. Young viewers will be inspired to go outside and explore nature, and may even want to plan their own camping trip with friends and family.

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  • First Aired
    January 1, 1970
  • Runtime
    11 min
  • Language