Becker Season 6 Episode 8
Season 6

Ep 8. Chock Full 'O Nuts

  • December 3, 2003
  • 7.5  (94)

Becker season 6 episode 8, titled "Chock Full 'O Nuts", sees the grumpy New York doctor John Becker (played by Ted Danson) struggling with his insomnia. Despite trying various remedies, including counting sheep and yoga, nothing seems to work for him. Meanwhile, his nurse Margaret (Hattie Winston) is dealing with her own problems as her estranged son comes to visit her unexpectedly.

As the episode progresses, Becker's sleeplessness starts to take a toll on his professional and personal life. He finds himself snapping at his patients and friends, and even getting into a fight with his neighbor Reggie (Terry Farrell). In an attempt to get some rest, Becker resorts to taking sleeping pills but soon realizes they're not a sustainable solution.

Meanwhile, Margaret's son is trying to reconnect with his mother and understand why she was absent for most of his childhood. Though the reunion starts off rocky, the two eventually begin to mend their relationship.

As the episode nears its end, Becker realizes that his insomnia is not just a physical issue but also an emotional one. He starts to open up about his feelings, particularly regarding his late father, and gradually begins to feel better. Margaret also finds closure with her son and the two share a touching moment before he leaves.

Overall, "Chock Full 'O Nuts" is a heartwarming episode that explores the themes of family, forgiveness, and the importance of opening up about one's feelings. It showcases the depth of Danson's acting abilities as he portrays the vulnerable side of his character while still retaining his trademark wit and humor. Fans of the series will appreciate the return of Margaret's son and the development of their relationship, as well as the appearance of other beloved characters like Reggie.

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  • First Aired
    December 3, 2003
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.5  (94)