Becker Season 6 Episode 7
Season 6

Ep 7. Sister Spoils the Turkey

  • November 26, 2003
  • 7.3  (73)

In Becker season 6 episode 7 entitled "Sister Spoils the Turkey," the main character Dr. John Becker and his sister, Stephanie, have a falling out on Thanksgiving Day when she insists on cooking the turkey instead of letting Becker handle it as he always has. Despite Stephanie's insistence that she can do it better, the turkey is inedible, causing a rift between the siblings.

As the episode begins, Becker is preparing for his annual Thanksgiving meal, complete with his famous turkey recipe that he has been perfecting for years. However, when Stephanie arrives unexpectedly, she immediately takes charge and insists on cooking the turkey herself. Becker is initially hesitant but eventually agrees to let her take over, much to the delight of his friends and coworkers who are eager to taste Stephanie's version of the traditional holiday dish.

However, things quickly go awry when Stephanie's cooking skills prove to be less impressive than she originally claimed. The turkey is dry, overcooked, and nearly impossible to chew, leaving Becker and his guests disappointed and hungry. Stephanie, meanwhile, is completely oblivious to her failure and insists that the turkey is perfectly fine, causing tension between her and Becker and ultimately leading to a heated argument.

Throughout the episode, the characters grapple with issues of family, tradition, and control, as they try to salvage their Thanksgiving meal while also dealing with their personal feelings and conflicts. Becker, in particular, struggles to reconcile his desire for control over the meal with his love for his sister and his desire to maintain their relationship.

In the end, the characters are able to come together and find a way to enjoy the holiday despite the culinary mishap. They learn that family is more important than food and that sometimes it's better to let go of control and enjoy the moment. The episode ends on a heartwarming note as the characters share a laugh and a hug, thankful for the love and companionship that they have in each other.

Overall, "Sister Spoils the Turkey" is a classic holiday episode that captures the spirit of Thanksgiving while also addressing deeper issues of family and relationships. With its mix of humor and heart, it's a must-watch for anyone looking for a feel-good holiday story.

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Becker, Season 6 Episode 7, is available to watch free on Pluto TV and stream on CBS. You can also stream, download Becker on demand at online.
  • First Aired
    November 26, 2003
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.3  (73)