Becker Season 6 Episode 2
Season 6

Ep 2. Dates & Nuts

  • October 15, 2003
  • 7.1  (83)

Dr. John Becker returns for the sixth season of his offbeat and often acerbic medical comedy, "Becker." In the second episode of the season, titled "Dates & Nuts," Becker has to cope with a misbehaving new cash register that tests his patience and quick temper. Meanwhile, Reggie deals with the aftermath of a disastrous date and Linda tries to plan for a future she may not be ready for.

The episode opens with Becker setting up a new cash register at his diner. He's excited about the upgrade, but quickly becomes frustrated when he realizes the new machine isn't working properly. Customers are left waiting as Becker tries to figure out how to handle the situation, leading to some humorous exchanges between him and his staff.

As Becker deals with his technical difficulties, Reggie stops by the diner after a terrible date. She expresses her frustration with the dating scene, but Becker remains unsympathetic, advising her to lower her expectations and not to take things too seriously. Despite his advice, Reggie can't shake off her disappointment and decides to take a break from dating altogether.

Meanwhile, Linda is feeling uncertain about her life choices. She's been working at the diner for a long time and wonders if she should be doing something else. She confides in Becker, who encourages her to explore her options and not to be afraid of change. Linda takes his words to heart and starts looking into different career paths, but struggles with indecision and fear of the unknown.

As the day goes on, Becker's cash register troubles continue. His stress levels rise as he tries to manage the situation without losing his temper, but he eventually reaches his boiling point and takes out his frustrations on the machine. His tantrum attracts the attention of the health inspector, who pays a visit to the diner and threatens to shut it down. Becker is forced to make amends and promise to fix the register, leading to a heartwarming moment between him and his loyal customers.

In the end, Reggie and Linda find some resolution to their respective issues. Reggie decides to give dating another chance, while Linda acknowledges that her time at the diner has been meaningful to her and decides to stay put, at least for now. Becker, meanwhile, learns to embrace change and new challenges, even if they're frustrating at first.

"Dates & Nuts" is a classic Becker episode filled with witty one-liners, quirky characters, and relatable themes. As always, Ted Danson delivers a memorable performance as the gruff but lovable Dr. Becker, and the show's supporting cast shines in their respective roles. Whether you're a longtime fan or a newcomer to the series, this episode will leave you entertained and maybe even a little inspired.

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  • First Aired
    October 15, 2003
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.1  (83)