Becker Season 1 Episode 13
Season 1

Ep 13. Becker the Elder

  • February 15, 1999
  • 7.9  (124)

Becker season 1 episode 13, titled "Becker the Elder," follows the cantankerous Dr. John Becker as he deals with tensions between him and his father.

Becker's father, Art (played by the late veteran actor Dick Van Patten), comes to town to visit his son and wreaks havoc in his life. Art makes himself at home in Becker's apartment, cooking and cleaning as if he owns the place. Meanwhile, Becker is annoyed by his father's intrusive behavior and constant criticism of his lifestyle.

As Becker and Art's relationship continues to deteriorate, the physician discovers that his father is suffering from a serious health condition. He attempts to take care of Art while still juggling his responsibilities at the office. However, with Art's penchant for driving Becker crazy, the situation becomes increasingly difficult for the doctor.

Throughout the episode, "Becker the Elder" examines the complex dynamics between parents and their adult children. It also depicts how fragile relationships can be, even when there is love between family members.

The episode's comedic moments are balanced with poignant scenes and an exploration of deeper emotions. This balance is characteristic of the show as a whole, which deftly blends humor with more serious themes.

As Becker tries to come to terms with his father's condition, he must also confront his own fear of death and the inevitability of losing loved ones. The show handles these weighty topics with sensitivity and care.

Overall, "Becker the Elder" is a touching and relatable episode that showcases the writing and acting talents of the show's cast and crew. It demonstrates how even the toughest of characters can have vulnerabilities and highlights the importance of familial relationships.

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Becker, Season 1 Episode 13, is available to watch free on Pluto TV and stream on CBS. You can also stream, download Becker on demand at online.
  • First Aired
    February 15, 1999
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.9  (124)