Becker Season 1 Episode 12
Season 1

Ep 12. Love! Lies! Bleeding!

  • February 8, 1999
  • 7.8  (116)

Dr. John Becker is a jaded Manhattan physician whose bedside manner can be described as less than satisfactory. However, despite his rough exterior, Dr. Becker cares deeply about his patients and is passionate about practicing medicine. In season 1 episode 12, titled "Love! Lies! Bleeding!", Dr. Becker's personal life takes center stage.

The episode revolves around a love triangle between two of Dr. Becker's friends, Chris and Linda, and Linda's wealthy boyfriend, Ralph. Ralph is a philandering businessman who has been cheating on Linda with multiple women, including Chris. When Linda finds out about the affair, she is heartbroken but decides to confront Ralph in public. The confrontation goes awry, and Linda ends up getting punched by Ralph. Dr. Becker steps in to defend his friend and promptly punches Ralph in the face, resulting in both men getting arrested.

Meanwhile, Jake, Dr. Becker's blind newsstand owner friend, is struggling with his own love life. He has been talking to a woman named Donna on the phone for weeks but is too nervous to meet her in person. With Dr. Becker's encouragement, Jake finally sets up a date with Donna, but things take an unexpected turn.

Throughout the episode, Dr. Becker's sarcastic humor and no-nonsense approach to life add to the comedic moments as the characters navigate their complicated personal lives. Despite their struggles, Dr. Becker and his friends come together to support each other through their respective love woes.

Overall, "Love! Lies! Bleeding!" is a classic Becker episode that showcases the show's ability to balance humor and heart in its storytelling. Whether it's Dr. Becker's acerbic wit or the characters' relatable romantic struggles, this episode has something for everyone.

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  • First Aired
    February 8, 1999
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.8  (116)