Ep 33. I Was Just Thinking
- February 18, 1998
Bear in the Big Blue House is a children's TV show that aired from 1997 until 2006. The show revolves around a large brown bear named Bear and his friends, including a mouse named Tutter, a lemur named Treelo, a bear cub named Ojo, and others.
In season 2 episode 33, titled "I Was Just Thinking," Bear spends the day pondering various thoughts and contemplating life's big questions. He starts the episode by looking out the window and wondering about the clouds and the sky. As he thinks about this, Treelo comes bouncing into the room, full of energy and excitement. Bear shares his thoughts with Treelo, and the two of them have a delightful conversation about the wonders of the world.
As the day goes on, Bear continues to think about different things and share his thoughts with his friends. He wonders about the meaning of life, the beauty of nature, and the importance of kindness and empathy. Throughout the episode, Bear pauses to reflect on his thoughts and to take in the beauty of the world around him.
At one point, Bear decides to take a walk outside to clear his mind and to enjoy the fresh air. As he walks, he encounters various animals and insects, including a butterfly and a grasshopper. He stops to appreciate the beauty of the creatures and reflects on how wonderful it is to be alive.
Later on, Bear spends some time reflecting on his relationships with his friends, including Tutter, Treelo, Ojo, and Pip and Pop. He thinks about how much he values their friendship and how important it is to be a good friend. He also thinks about his relationship with Luna, the moon, and how he feels a sense of connection with her.
As the episode comes to a close, Bear shares a song with his friends that he wrote about his thoughts and musings. The song is full of positivity, hope, and joy, and it expresses the idea that life is full of wonder and beauty.
"I Was Just Thinking" is a heartwarming episode that encourages viewers, young and old, to take time to reflect on their thoughts and appreciate the world around them. Bear's musings are relatable and thought-provoking, and his relationship with his friends and the natural world is inspiring. The episode is a perfect reminder to slow down, take a deep breath, and appreciate the beauty of life.