Ep 21. Dance Fever!
- February 2, 1998
Bear in the Big Blue House is a children's television series centered around the adventures of Bear, a large bear who lives in a cozy blue house deep in the woods. The show is a mixture of puppetry and live action, and each episode usually showcases a different theme or lesson for children to learn. Season 2 episode 21, titled "Dance Fever!," is no exception.
In this episode, Bear discovers that everyone in the Big Blue House is feeling a bit down and in need of some cheering up. Sensing that a dance party might do the trick, Bear begins to put together the ultimate dance extravaganza. He enlists the help of his friends Tutter the mouse, Ojo the bear cub, Treelo the lemur, and Pip and Pop the otters, who all eagerly join in on the planning.
As they prepare for the dance, each character picks out their favorite dance moves and outfits. Tutter is feeling particularly self-conscious about his dancing skills, so Bear encourages him to let loose and enjoy himself. Treelo, Pip, and Pop decide to perform a synchronized swimming routine, complete with flippers and goggles, and Ojo chooses an array of colorful ribbons to twirl around as she dances.
Finally, the big night arrives, and the gang gathers in the living room to begin the festivities. Bear puts on some catchy music, and everyone starts to dance and have a great time. The energy is infectious, and even Tutter finds himself busting out some new moves he didn't know he had. Throughout the night, they dance to songs about counting, shapes, and colors, all the while laughing and having fun together.
As the party winds down, Bear leads everyone in a quiet moment of reflection, reminding them of how important it is to have fun with each other and try new things. He also encourages them to keep dancing every day, whether they're feeling happy or sad, as a way to connect with themselves and each other.
Overall, "Dance Fever!" is a joyous and uplifting episode of Bear in the Big Blue House that celebrates the power of dance and friendship. Its energetic choreography and catchy music will have kids and adults alike tapping their toes and grinning from ear to ear. The themes of self-expression and teamwork are sure to resonate with children as they navigate their own relationships and emotions, and the show's warm and fuzzy characters provide a comforting and reassuring presence.