Ep 11. Oops, My Mistake
- January 19, 1998
Bear in the Big Blue House is a children's television series produced by Jim Henson Television. The show is centered around a large bear named Bear, who lives in a big blue house with his friends Tutter the mouse, Ojo the bear cub, Pip and Pop the otters, and Treelo the lemur. Season 2 episode 11, Oops, My Mistake, follows Bear and his friends as they learn the importance of owning up to their mistakes and making things right.
The episode begins with Bear making a mistake while he is cooking soup. He forgets to add salt to the soup, and as a result, the soup does not taste very good. However, instead of admitting his mistake, Bear tries to convince his friends that the soup is still delicious, even though they can all tell that it is not.
As the day goes on, Bear's mistake begins to have a ripple effect on his friends. Tutter spills grape juice on the rug, but instead of telling Bear, he tries to clean it up himself, only making the stain worse. Ojo accidentally breaks a toy, but instead of telling Bear, she tries to hide the broken toy and act like nothing happened. Pip and Pop accidentally knock over a stack of plates, but instead of telling Bear, they try to put the plates back together and hope that he does not notice.
As the mistakes pile up, the Big Blue House becomes a chaotic mess. The rug is stained, the toy is broken, and the plates are all mismatched and glued together. Despite all of this, Bear still refuses to admit his mistake and tell his friends that he forgot to add salt to the soup.
However, when Tutter finally confesses to spilling the grape juice and Ojo confesses to breaking the toy, Bear starts to realize how important it is to own up to his own mistakes. He encourages Pip and Pop to also tell the truth about the plates, and together, they all work to make things right.
They start by cleaning up the messes that they had made, and then Bear decides to make the soup again, this time adding salt. When the soup is finished, he apologizes to his friends for not admitting his mistake earlier and offers them each a bowl of the new and improved soup. They all sit down to eat together, happy and satisfied with the delicious meal they have created.
As the episode comes to a close, Bear and his friends reflect on the importance of honesty and owning up to their mistakes. They all vow to be more truthful in the future and to work together to overcome any obstacles that come their way.
Overall, Oops, My Mistake is a heartwarming episode that teaches children about the value of honesty and the importance of making things right when you make a mistake. Through the characters' mistakes and subsequent actions, children learn that it is always better to tell the truth and take responsibility for their actions, even if it seems scary at first. The episode also emphasizes the power of working together and supporting one another, reinforcing the importance of friendship and teamwork.