Ep 4. Feat Of Clay
- September 8, 1992
- 22 min
7.7 (2,889)
In the fourth episode of Batman: The Animated Series season 1, titled "Feat of Clay," we see Bruce Wayne (voiced by Kevin Conroy) being approached by an old friend, Matt Hagen (voiced by Ron Perlman), who is in trouble. Hagen has been involved in some shady deals with Roland Daggett (voiced by Ed Asner), a corrupt businessman.
We learn that Hagen has been using a new type of face cream created by Daggett's company, which gives him the ability to change the shape of his face. However, this cream has some unexpected side effects, and Hagen is slowly turning into a clay-like creature.
Batman (also voiced by Kevin Conroy) begins to investigate Daggett and his illegal activities, which leads him to Hagen. He discovers Hagen's condition and offers to help him, but Hagen is reluctant to accept his assistance.
As the episode progresses, Hagen's transformation becomes even more pronounced, and he becomes increasingly desperate to find a cure for his condition. His association with Daggett also puts him in danger, as Daggett discovers Hagen's betrayal and orders his men to eliminate him.
Throughout the episode, Batman tries to help Hagen, but he is met with resistance at every turn. Hagen's loyalty to Daggett ultimately puts him in a precarious position, and he must decide whether to continue down a path of corruption or to seek redemption.
"Feat of Clay" deals with themes of loyalty, betrayal, and redemption. It also shows the lengths to which people will go to maintain their power and control, even at the cost of others' lives and welfare.
The animation in this episode is top-notch, with detailed character designs and rich, moody backgrounds. The voice acting is also exceptional, with Kevin Conroy delivering a nuanced performance as both Bruce Wayne and Batman. Ron Perlman also shines as Hagen, imbuing his character with a sense of pathos and tragedy.
Overall, "Feat of Clay" is a standout episode of Batman: The Animated Series. It offers a compelling and nuanced story that explores complex themes while also delivering thrilling action sequences and stunning animation.