Baking with Julia is a television series that aired on PBS back in 1996, hosted by Julia Child. The show features renowned pastry chefs demonstrating and teaching various baking techniques and recipes to Julia and the audience. In the fifth episode of the first season, titled "White Chocolate Pattycake with Marcel Desaulniers," viewers are introduced to Marcel Desaulniers, a pastry chef and chocolatier known for his innovative and delectable desserts.
The episode begins with Julia and Marcel discussing the intricacies of working with chocolate and the importance of using high-quality ingredients. Marcel then demonstrates how to make his signature white chocolate pattycake, a decadent dessert made with layers of white chocolate mousse, raspberry sauce, and almond cake.
Marcel starts by making the white chocolate mousse. He melts white chocolate in a double boiler and whips heavy cream to stiff peaks. He then adds a bit of the whipped cream to the chocolate to lighten it before adding the rest of the cream and folding it in gently. Once the mousse is made, he sets it aside to chill.
Next, Marcel prepares the almond cake, which serves as the base of the pattycake. He combines almond flour, cake flour, baking powder, and salt in a bowl and sets it aside. In another bowl, he creams butter and sugar together until light and fluffy before adding eggs, vanilla extract, and almond extract. Once the wet ingredients are well combined, he adds the dry ingredients in three batches, alternating with milk, and mixing until just combined.
Marcel spreads the almond cake batter into a greased and floured cake pan and bakes it in the oven until golden brown and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Once the cake is cooled, he cuts it into three even layers.
To assemble the pattycake, Marcel places one layer of almond cake in a cake ring on a serving plate. He then spreads raspberry sauce over the cake before adding a layer of white chocolate mousse. He repeats this process with the remaining two layers of cake, ending with a layer of mousse. He decorates the top of the pattycake with fresh raspberries and white chocolate curls before refrigerating it for several hours to set.
Throughout the episode, Marcel shares tips and tricks for working with chocolate, such as the importance of maintaining a consistent temperature and how to avoid causing chocolate to seize. He also emphasizes the importance of practicing good technique and precision when baking, so that the end result is not only delicious but also visually appealing.
In summary, the fifth episode of Baking with Julia season 1 features Marcel Desaulniers teaching Julia and viewers how to make a magnificent white chocolate pattycake. The episode is packed with insightful tips and techniques for working with chocolate and creating beautiful and delicious desserts. This episode is a must-watch for anyone with a sweet tooth or a passion for baking.
CastMarcel Desaulniers
First AiredNovember 2, 1996
Content RatingTV-G
Runtime24 min
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