Badass Bitches of History is a brilliant show that takes viewers through the journey of some of the most powerful women in history. Originally aired on Comedy Central, the show is now available on Comedy Central Now for streaming. The show is hosted by spectacular comedians and writers - Robin Thede, Sasheer Zamata, Amber Ruffin, and Nicole Byer. All four women are incredibly talented and bring humor to stories that are often not highlighted in history books.
The show is a mix of storytelling, sketch comedy, and animation, which keeps the audience engaged and entertained throughout. The hosts narrate each episode and dive deep into the lives of incredible women who have shattered glass ceilings, overcome adversity, and made significant contributions to society.
Each episode focuses on one woman and tells her story in a way that has never been done before. The storytelling is combined with sketches that recreate historical scenes in a humorous way, making it not only informative but also enjoyable.
The show has a fantastic art style that is both colorful and bold. The animation is fun and brings a new dimension to the stories being told. The incorporation of animation keeps the audience engaged and enhances the overall viewing experience.
One thing that sets this show apart is the way in which it highlights the struggles women have faced throughout history. The show does not shy away from the darker parts of history and puts a spotlight on the injustices women have endured in the past. It is an important reminder of how far we have come and how much more work there is to be done to achieve gender equality.
The Badass Bitches of History is the perfect combination of edutainment. It educates audiences on important historical figures while keeping them entertained. The humor that the hosts bring to the show gives it a unique voice and makes it stand out among other historical documentaries.
The show sheds light on some well-known figures such as Lady Ada Lovelace, the world's first computer programmer, and Harriet Tubman, the civil rights activist who helped free slaves. However, it also features lesser-known women such as Ching Shih, a pirate queen who commanded over 300 ships, and Theodora, the powerful empress of the Byzantine Empire.
Overall, the Badass Bitches of History is a must-watch show for anyone interested in history, feminism, or just looking for a good laugh. The show's ability to combine humor and education is unparalleled, and the talents of the hosts make for a truly enjoyable viewing experience.
In conclusion, Badass Bitches of History is an exceptional show that deserves recognition for its unique storytelling style, humor, and overall viewing experience. It is an excellent example of how comedy can be used to educate audiences on important historical figures and topics. The show is perfect for anyone who wants to learn more about women's history or just needs a good laugh.
Badass Bitches of History is a series that ran for 1 seasons (4 episodes) between March 26, 2018 and on Comedy Central Now
Premiere DateMarch 26, 2018
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