Awakening Yoga & Meditation with Ashley Aiken-Redon

Watch Awakening Yoga & Meditation with Ashley Aiken-Redon

  • 2015
  • 1 Season

Awakening Yoga & Meditation with Ashley Aiken-Redon is a show that focuses on the power of yoga and meditation to bring about inner peace, mental clarity and physical well-being. Hosted by Ashley Aiken-Redon, a renowned yoga and meditation teacher, the show takes viewers on a journey of self-discovery and transformation through a series of yoga poses, breathwork techniques and guided meditations.

The show has an overarching message of spiritual awakening and aims to help viewers tap into the wisdom of their bodies and their own inner guidance to live a more fulfilled and balanced life. Each episode is centered around a theme, such as stress relief, finding inner peace or cultivating self-love, and is designed to provide viewers with the tools they need to integrate the practice of yoga and meditation into their daily lives.

One of the unique features of Awakening Yoga & Meditation is the way in which it combines physical movement with spiritual teachings. Ashley draws on her own experience as a yoga practitioner and teacher, as well as her background in the healing arts, to create an immersive experience that is both physically challenging and emotionally transformative. Through a combination of dynamic flows, restorative poses, and mindfulness practices, viewers are able to connect more deeply with their bodies, their breath, and their own inner world.

Another key aspect of the show is its focus on community and connection. Ashley invites viewers to join her in a collective experience of yoga and meditation, and encourages them to share their own experiences and insights in the comments section. The show also features guest appearances by other yoga and wellness experts, who share their own unique perspectives and insights on the practice.

Overall, Awakening Yoga & Meditation with Ashley Aiken-Redon is an inspiring and transformative show that provides viewers with the tools and guidance they need to deepen their practice of yoga and meditation. With its focus on spiritual growth, community building and self-discovery, it is a must-watch for anyone looking to enhance their well-being and become more connected to their own inner wisdom.

Awakening Yoga & Meditation with Ashley Aiken-Redon is a series that is currently running and has 1 seasons (15 episodes). The series first aired on January 1, 2015.

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Sat Nam is the most frequently used mantra in Kundalini Yoga. Mulbandh is a powerful contraction of muscles of the pelvic floor. Sat Kriya is one exercise contains just about all the benefits of Kundalini Yoga within itself. Breath of fire is a rapid, rhythmic, continuous breath, equal inhale to equal exhale, through the nose.
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Kundalini Yoga is often considered the most comprehensive yogic traditio. It is a Raj Yoga, encompassing the eight limbs of yoga into a singular practice of excellence and ecstasy. "Kundalini" literally means "the curl of the lock of hair of the beloved." This poetic metaphor alludes to the flow of energy and consciousness that exists within each of us to create a divine union called "yoga"."
Where to Watch Awakening Yoga & Meditation with Ashley Aiken-Redon
Awakening Yoga & Meditation with Ashley Aiken-Redon is available for streaming on the Food Matters TV website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch Awakening Yoga & Meditation with Ashley Aiken-Redon on demand at Amazon Prime.
  • Premiere Date
    January 1, 2015