Ep 30. Speeding Through The Storm
- June 3, 1981
In this episode of Astro Boy 1980, titled "Speeding Through The Storm," viewers follow the adventures of the titular character as he faces a number of challenges while soaring through the skies.
The episode begins with Astro Boy on a mission to deliver a package to a remote, mountainous area. As he travels towards his destination, he encounters a fierce storm which tests his piloting skills to their limits. The winds are harsh, the rain is pelting down, and the lightning is flashing all around him.
Despite the difficulties, Astro Boy is determined to reach his destination on time, and sets his sights on flying straight through the heart of the storm. Along the way, he must dodge lightning bolts, navigate around other flying objects in the sky, and keep a steady hand on his controls to avoid crashing.
As Astro Boy approaches the mountain range, he notices that there is a group of animals trapped on a cliff side. Realizing that he is their only hope, he quickly moves into action, using his robotic strength to rescue the animals and bring them to safety. However, the rescue takes time and puts him further behind schedule.
With the storm still raging on, Astro Boy continues on his perilous journey, determined to deliver the package to its intended recipient. However, he soon discovers that the package has been damaged by the rain and cannot be delivered in its current state.
Frustrated and weary, Astro Boy must now figure out a way to repair the package and get it back on track. Luckily, he has a few tricks up his sleeve, and he soon finds a way to make the necessary repairs and get back on his way.
Despite the odds and the many obstacles he has faced along the way, Astro Boy manages to make it to his destination on time, finally delivering the package and completing his mission. However, his work is far from done, as he now faces the even greater challenge of returning home safely through the storm.
As the episode draws to a close, viewers are left on the edge of their seats as they watch Astro Boy navigate his way through the storm, fighting against all odds to make it home safely. The tension is high, the stakes are high, and the excitement is palpable, making this episode one of the most thrilling and exciting of the entire season.