Ep 26. The Time Machine
- April 8, 1981
Astro Boy 1980 is an anime TV series that follows the adventures of a powerful robot boy named Astro. In season 1 episode 26, titled The Time Machine, Professor Ochanomizu presents a mysterious device that he claims can transport people through time. He is initially hesitant to test it on a living being, but when a brave little girl named Tsukiko begs him to use it to go back in time and save her mother before a fatal accident, the professor agrees to give it a try.
Astro and his friends are excited to accompany Tsukiko on her time-traveling journey, but they soon realize that the past is not as easy to change as they thought. As they arrive in the year 1979, they witness many events that lead up to the tragedy that claimed Tsukiko's mother's life. Despite their best efforts, they find out that some things are simply beyond their control.
As the team begins to run out of time, they face several challenges and obstacles, including dangerous thugs and a malfunctioning time machine. Tsukiko's desperation to save her mother threatens to endanger their mission, and they must work together to come up with a solution before it's too late.
Throughout the episode, Astro grapples with the ethical implications of time travel. He questions whether it is right to change the past, particularly if it means altering the course of history. His discussions with Professor Ochanomizu and his friends offer a thoughtful look at the philosophical and ethical issues surrounding time travel.
The Time Machine is a captivating episode that offers a fresh take on the time travel trope. Unlike many other shows and movies, it does not resort to shallow plots and cheap thrills. Instead, it offers a fascinating exploration of the human condition and the consequences of our actions, even when we have the best intentions.
The animation in this episode is top-notch, with vivid colors and stunning visuals that bring the time-traveling journey to life. The character design is superb, with each character having its own distinct features and personality.
Astro Boy 1980 season 1 episode 26, The Time Machine, is a standout installment of the series. Its heartfelt story, engaging characters, and stunning visuals make it a must-watch for fans of anime, science fiction, and time travel stories alike.