Ep 1. Are Rich People Worse Humans?
- TV-14
- November 9, 2018
- 3 min
AsapSCIENCE is a popular YouTube channel that focuses on exploring various scientific concepts in their videos. In their first season, AsapSCIENCE tackles many different topics, including the question of whether rich people are worse humans.
In the first episode, appropriately titled "Are Rich People Worse Humans?" AsapSCIENCE tackles the age-old question of whether wealth and success can corrupt a person's morals. The episode begins by discussing some of the common assumptions people make about rich people, including the belief that they are more likely to be selfish, entitled, and less empathetic than those who are not as wealthy.
To explore these assumptions, AsapSCIENCE first looks at the concept of the "invisible hand" of the market. This idea was popularized by the economist Adam Smith and suggests that individuals acting in their own self-interest will ultimately benefit society as a whole. The hosts of AsapSCIENCE question whether this principle truly holds up in practice, however, and consider the ways in which greed and self-interest can actually harm others.
The episode also delves into the psychological concept of the "-rich-get-richer" effect. This effect discusses how people who are already successful or wealthy are more likely to receive additional opportunities and advantages that help them to grow even more successful. These benefits can include things like better education, more influential social networks, and more resources to start a business. As a result, it can be difficult for those who are less well-off to catch up to those who have already amassed a great deal of wealth.
AsapSCIENCE also examines the concept of the "belief in a just world," which suggests that we tend to think that people who are successful must have worked harder or been more deserving of success than those who are not as fortunate. This idea can lead us to overlook the ways in which systemic factors like race and socioeconomic status can play a role in determining who ends up being successful and who does not.
Throughout the episode, AsapSCIENCE poses thought-provoking questions and encourages viewers to consider their own assumptions about wealth and success. They interview people on the street, who give a range of opinions on the topic, and they also cite research that provides a more nuanced approach to the subject. Ultimately, they leave it up to viewers to come to their own conclusions about whether or not rich people are worse humans.
Overall, the first episode of AsapSCIENCE poses an intriguing question and offers plenty of food for thought. It's clear that the hosts have done their research and are well-versed in the concepts they discuss. Whether or not you agree with their conclusions, this episode is sure to spark some interesting conversations about wealth, power, and morality.