Ep 17. Ten Chairs
- November 2, 2003
- 23 min
As Told By Ginger is an American animated television series that follows the life of a junior high school girl named Ginger Foutley. The show revolves around her daily life and struggles, as she tries to navigate through school, friendships, and family.
Season 3 episode 17, titled "Ten Chairs," centers around the annual class camping trip. Ginger and her friends are ecstatic about the trip, but their excitement turns to disappointment when it's announced that the number of students going on the trip is limited to only ten.
Ginger has been looking forward to the camping trip all year, and as class president, she feels responsible for making it happen. When she learns that she may not even be able to go, she takes matters into her own hands. She decides to hold an election to determine which ten students will get to go on the trip, hoping that this will solve the problem fairly.
The election becomes intense as each student campaigns for their spot on the trip. Ginger is surprised to see that even Miranda, her nemesis, is putting up a fierce campaign to win a spot. Ginger's best friend, Dodie, is also running, and Ginger is conflicted about how to support her friend without letting her win unfairly.
As the election comes to a close, Ginger is shocked to learn that the ten winners do not include Dodie; she is devastated. Ginger tries to console her friend, but she's worried that their friendship will never be the same. Meanwhile, Miranda, who's one of the winners, gloats and makes a mean remark to Ginger, causing her to lose her temper.
The rest of the episode revolves around the camping trip and the dynamics between the ten students who were chosen. Ginger continues to struggle with her guilt over Dodie, and she finds it difficult to enjoy the trip because of it.
The group faces several challenges on their camping trip, from setting up tents to cooking their own food. But despite the obstacles, they manage to have a good time. They share stories, sing songs, and even find some unique plants and animals in the woods.
Towards the end of the trip, Ginger finally manages to make up with Dodie. They hug and make up, and Ginger even admits that she campaigned for Dodie behind the scenes and thought she deserved to go. Dodie is thrilled to hear this and feels better knowing that her friend still supports her.
The episode ends with the group heading back to school, tired and dirty, but happy from their experience. Ginger reflects on the trip and realizes that, sometimes, things don't always go as planned, but that doesn't mean they can't still be great. She's grateful for the memories and the lessons learned, and she's glad that she got to share the trip with her friends.