Arctic Air Season 2 Episode 8
Arctic Air
Season 2

Ep 8. Secrets & Lies

  • March 27, 2013
  • 44 min
  •   (29)

Arctic Air season 2 episode 8, titled "Secrets & Lies," follows the team as they deal with a complicated case. The episode begins with Bobby getting a visit from his ex, Petra, who tells him that her husband has gone missing and she believes he's in trouble. Bobby agrees to help her find him and brings along Mel for assistance.

Meanwhile, Krista's friend from her past life shows up, and she finds out that he is in trouble with a dangerous gang. She struggles with whether to help him or not, as she doesn't want to put herself or her team in danger. At the same time, Dev and Loreen are dealing with their own issues. Dev is struggling with the fact that he can't get a job outside of Arctic Air, and Loreen is trying to make a difficult decision regarding her future.

As Bobby and Mel search for Petra's husband, they encounter several obstacles and become increasingly suspicious of her motives. Krista's friend's situation also takes a turn for the worse, and she must decide whether to risk her own safety to help him. Dev and Loreen's struggles come to a head when Loreen must make a life-changing decision that could affect her relationship with Dev.

Throughout the episode, there are several twists and turns as secrets are revealed and lies are uncovered. The team must navigate these challenges while also dealing with their own personal issues. The stakes are high as they race against time to help those in need. Will they be able to overcome the obstacles in their path and come out victorious? Watch "Secrets & Lies" to find out.

Watch Arctic Air - Secrets & Lies (s2 e8) Online - Watch online anytime: Stream, Download, Buy, Rent
Arctic Air, Season 2 Episode 8, is available to watch free on Tubi TV and stream on Discovery Channel. You can also stream, download, buy, rent Arctic Air on demand at Amazon Prime online.
  • First Aired
    March 27, 2013
  • Runtime
    44 min
  • Language