Watch Anne+
- 1969
- 2 Seasons
Anne+ is a drama series developed and produced in the Netherlands. The show revolves around the life of a young woman named Anne, played by Jade Olieberg, who is around 24-25 years old. The show follows Anne as she navigates her life, relationships, and career. Anne is a lesbian woman, and the show explores her life as a member of the LGBTQ+ community. The series shows how Anne copes with societal pressures, personal struggles, and her search for true love. The show's creators describe the series as a coming-of-age story that highlights the unique experiences of queer women.
The show is divided into eight episodes, each about 25 minutes long. Each episode focuses on a different aspect of Anne's life, including her relationships with girlfriends, friends, and family. The show also explores other topics such as politics, discrimination, and mental health.
Jouman Fattal joins the cast as the character named Lily, who becomes Anne's love interest. Lily is a successful artist who is confident in her sexual identity. The show's portrayal of their relationship is one of the highlights of the series, as it shows the struggles and joys of being in a same-sex relationship in a world that is often intolerant and unaccepting of LGBTQ+ individuals.
Anne's relationship with her family is also a significant aspect of the show. Her parents are accepting of her sexuality, but her mother often struggles to understand the nuances of her daughter's life. Meanwhile, Anne's grandfather remains largely disapproving of her lifestyle, causing tension between Anne and her family members.
The show's cinematography and music create a unique atmosphere that helps to set the tone of each episode. The show often uses close-ups and natural light to capture the emotional intensity of a scene. Additionally, the series' soundtrack is diverse and features several popular Dutch and international artists.
The show's creators have received significant praise for its poignant portrayal of Anne's life as a queer woman. The series has been noted for its honest representation of the LGBTQ+ community and its willingness to address social and political issues that impact queer individuals.
Overall, Anne+ is a heartfelt and engaging drama series that explores the life of a young woman as she navigates the complexities of love, identity, and societal expectations. The show's creators have succeeded in crafting an authentic and nuanced portrayal of a queer individual's life that resonates with audiences worldwide.
Anne+ is a series that ran for 2 seasons (12 episodes) between and on Topic