Animals Say Strange Things is a hilarious animated series from Potato Worx Animation Studio that premiered on a popular streaming platform last year. The show follows the adventures of a group of anthropomorphic animals who have the ability to talk and express their personalities and quirks in unique ways.
Set in a fictional world where humans and animals share the same environment, the show explores the everyday lives of these creatures and how they deal with the challenges and pleasures of living in a world where they can communicate and interact with humans. Each episode of the show focuses on a different animal and their unique perspective on life, with each story taking a comedic and light-hearted approach to its subject matter.
Despite the light-hearted nature of the series, Animals Say Strange Things often deals with themes and topics that are relevant to children and adults alike. The show deftly covers topics such as bullying, self-acceptance, and inclusion in a way that is both engaging and educational.
The cast of characters in the show is diverse and eclectic, with a variety of different species represented. There is a lovable dog named Max, who is always eager to please and loves to play. He is best friends with a pragmatic cat named Mittens, who brings a level-headed perspective to the group. Then there is a hyperactive rabbit named Snowball, who is constantly bouncing around and getting into trouble.
One of the standout characters in the series is a neurotic parrot named Polly, who provides some of the show's funniest moments with her over-the-top antics and observations. Polly's owner, a young girl named Ruby, provides a unique human perspective on the show's events and often serves as a foil to the animal characters.
The animation style of the show is bright and colourful, with a playful quality that perfectly complements the show's subject matter. The animators at Potato Worx have done an excellent job at creating a vibrant world that is both engaging and immersive.
One of the unique aspects of Animals Say Strange Things is the way in which it utilises music to enhance the show's storytelling. The soundtrack is filled with catchy and upbeat songs that perfectly capture the mood of each episode. The show's opening theme song, in particular, is a standout piece that perfectly encapsulates the show's playful and lighthearted nature.
Another standout feature of the series is its voice cast. The cast is filled with talented actors who bring their characters to life in a way that is both engaging and charming. The standout performance, however, comes from the show's lead, Max, who is voiced by the talented Sam Smith. Smith brings a level of warmth and authenticity to the character that makes him instantly likeable and relatable.
Overall, Animals Say Strange Things is a must-watch animated series for anyone who loves fun and quirky storytelling. Its engaging characters, engaging storylines, and playful animation make it a perfect choice for families, and its heartfelt themes and messages make it a standout in the genre. With its unique perspective on the lives of animals and its engaging storytelling, the series is sure to be a hit with audiences of all ages.
Premiere DateDecember 31, 2015
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