Animal Precinct Season 5 Episode 5
Animal Precinct
Season 5

Ep 5. Raheb's Raccoon

  • April 21, 2006

Animal Precinct is a thrilling reality show that takes viewers into the dangerous world of animal cruelty and neglect in New York City. In season 5, episode 5, titled 'Raheb's Raccoon', viewers will be taken along with the law enforcement officers and animal rescuers of the ASPCA as they work to rescue and rehabilitate animals in need.

The episode begins with a call to the ASPCA's Animal Cruelty Investigation Unit about a raccoon that was found trapped in a house in Brooklyn. The raccoon, later named Raheb, was found in a cage in a backyard, with no food, water, or shelter. The cage was too small for the raccoon to move around in, and there was no way for it to escape.

The ASPCA team quickly responds to the call, and they soon arrive on the scene to assess the situation. The house belongs to a man named Mr. Raheb, who is initially uncooperative and refuses to let the team onto his property. However, with a warrant in hand, the team is eventually able to gain access to the backyard.

Upon arriving, they discover that the raccoon is severely dehydrated, malnourished, and underweight. Its fur is in poor condition, and it has several cuts and scrapes on its body. The team determines that the raccoon is in need of immediate medical attention, and they quickly set to work preparing it for transport.

As the team works on the raccoon, they learn more about Mr. Raheb and his history of animal neglect. He has a history of keeping animals in poor living conditions, and he has been cited by the ASPCA before. The team is determined to ensure that Mr. Raheb is held accountable for his actions and that the raccoon receives the care it needs.

The raccoon is brought to the ASPCA's Animal Hospital, where it receives a full medical exam. The veterinarians discover that the raccoon has parasites and needs to gain weight. Although Raheb is in bad shape, the team is hopeful that with proper care and rehabilitation, it will be able to be released back into the wild.

Meanwhile, the ASPCA team continues their investigation into Mr. Raheb's animal cruelty. They discover that he has been keeping other animals in poor conditions, including rabbits and birds, and they gather evidence to build a case against him.

In the end, the raccoon makes a full recovery and is eventually released back into the wild. However, Mr. Raheb is charged with animal cruelty and neglect and is held responsible for his actions.

Overall, Animal Precinct season 5 episode 5 is an emotional and gripping episode that showcases the important work of the ASPCA in rescuing and rehabilitating animals in need. The episode highlights the challenges of dealing with animal abuse cases and the ongoing need for animal welfare laws to protect animals from neglect and cruelty.

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  • First Aired
    April 21, 2006
  • Language