Animal Precinct Season 4 Episode 12
Animal Precinct
Season 4

Ep 12. Safe Keeping

  • July 22, 2005

Animal Precinct is a TV show that highlights the work of the Animal Cruelty Investigations Squad of the New York City Police Department (NYPD). The show follows the investigators as they rescue animals that have been mistreated or neglected and bring their abusers to justice.

Season 4 episode 12 of Animal Precinct is titled "Safe Keeping." In this episode, the investigators receive a call about a case of animal hoarding. Hoarding is a serious issue that can have devastating consequences for both the hoarder and the animals involved.

When the investigators arrive on the scene, they find a large number of animals living in filthy, overcrowded conditions. The hoarder, a woman named Betty, is reluctant to let the investigators into her home, but eventually she allows them to come in and assess the situation.

Inside the home, the investigators find dozens of cats and dogs living in squalid conditions. The animals are malnourished, covered in their own waste, and suffering from a wide range of health problems. The investigators know that they need to act quickly to save the animals and bring the hoarder to justice.

The first step is to remove the animals from the home and transport them to a local shelter. The investigators carefully catalog each animal, making note of their condition and any medical needs they may have. They work quickly to provide medical treatment to the animals, including vaccinations, deworming, and spaying or neutering.

As the investigators work to provide care for the animals, they also begin the process of building a case against the hoarder. Animal hoarding is a serious crime, and the investigators know that they need to have a strong case in order to prosecute Betty.

The investigators begin by interviewing the hoarder and trying to understand why she became a hoarder in the first place. They also look for evidence of neglect and abuse, including signs that the animals were not receiving proper medical care or socialization.

Once they have gathered enough evidence, the investigators serve Betty with a warrant and begin the process of removing her animals permanently. They work closely with the local animal control agency to find suitable homes for the animals and ensure that they receive the care they need.

Throughout the episode, the investigators face a number of challenges, including the emotional toll of rescuing animals from a hoarding situation and the difficulty of building a case against a hoarder who is resistant to help. However, their dedication to the animals and their commitment to justice never wavers.

By the end of the episode, the investigators have successfully rescued all of the animals and found them new homes. They have also successfully prosecuted the hoarder, sending a message that animal cruelty will not be tolerated.

Overall, "Safe Keeping" is a powerful episode of Animal Precinct that highlights the important work of the Animal Cruelty Investigations Squad and the impact they have on the lives of animals in New York City. It is a must-watch for anyone who cares about animal welfare and wants to learn more about the efforts being made to protect animals from neglect and abuse.

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  • First Aired
    July 22, 2005
  • Language