Animal Precinct Season 3 Episode 15
Animal Precinct
Season 3

Ep 15. Rooftop Rescue

  • April 12, 2004

Animal Precinct is a documentary-style television series that has rescued countless animals from the streets of New York City for over three seasons. In season three, episode 15, titled "Rooftop Rescue," the Animal Precinct team faces yet another challenging rescue mission.

The episode begins with the team receiving a call from a concerned citizen who had heard barking sounds on the rooftop of a three-story building in one of the busiest areas of Brooklyn. Upon reaching the location, the team discovers that there is a pair of pit bulls trapped on the rooftop. The team quickly realizes that the dogs had been up there without food, water, or shelter for days.

The team then sets up a makeshift ladder to get to the rooftop. Once they reach the rooftop, they find the dogs in a state of distress. The dogs seem to have gotten into a scuffle with each other, causing one of them to injure its paw on the broken glass on the rooftop. The dog that was hurt appears to be in excessive pain and distress, and the team immediately attends to the wound with their emergency medical kit.

Meanwhile, the other dog seems to be doing okay, but is very scared and defensive. The Animal Precinct team gets to work, trying to coax the scared dog into their carriers, but their attempts are constantly met with barks, growls, and snarls. The team has to be extra careful to prevent any injuries or further distress to the dogs, as these are aggressive breeds and can be dangerous if not handled appropriately.

The team then decides to use a net to catch the dog safely. They lure the dog with food, and just as the dog goes for it, the team quickly throws the net over the dog and secures him in the carrier. The team then attends to the dog's injuries and manages to calm both dogs down.

In the ensuing investigation, the team discovers that the dogs had been living on the rooftop with their owner, who was later identified as a man with a criminal history. The owner tells the Animal Precinct team that he had left them there for a few days while he ran some errands and that he forgot to come back for them because he had some issues.

The team then informs the owner that he will be charged for animal cruelty, and that the dogs will be taken away from him. The owner becomes extremely emotional and begs the team to let him keep one of the dogs, but the team realizes that it would be too risky, especially since the dogs had been aggressive towards each other, and with a proper rehabilitation program, both dogs could have a safer future somewhere else.

Later on, the team takes the dogs to a local animal shelter where they are given medical attention and are housed until they can be adopted by caring families. As always, Animal Precinct has done an excellent job in saving the dogs and ensuring their safety. The episode ends with the Animal Precinct team feeling both relieved and satisfied of another successful rescue mission.

"Rooftop Rescue" is an intense, action-packed episode that shows the dedication and professionalism of the Animal Precinct team as they continue to rescue animals and make New York City a safer place for them.

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  • First Aired
    April 12, 2004
  • Language