Animal Homes is a captivating documentary series that explores the remarkable habitats that different animal species have built for themselves. Hosted by Chris Morgan - a renowned natural history presenter and wildlife biologist - this show takes audiences on an exciting journey into the world of animal architecture.
Through stunning cinematography and captivating storytelling, Animal Homes provides a rare glimpse into the intricate and fascinating ways in which animals create their homes. From tiny burrows to sprawling nests to towering beehives, every species has its unique way of building its abode. This show delves deeper into the science behind these astonishing feats of engineering and explores how these structures are built to cater to the unique needs of each animal.
The first episode of the series, 'Home from Home,' takes us to the heart of Alaska, where we witness the ingenious ways in which animals have adapted to survive in this remote part of the world. We see how beavers use their razor-sharp teeth to fell trees and create dams, which they then use to turn streams into ponds. This provides them with a safe haven to build their lodges and raise their young. We also learn about the intricate social structure of prairie dogs and the complex burrow systems they build that serve as their homes, offering shelter from predators and harsh weather conditions.
The second episode, 'A Nest Among the Clouds,' takes us to the heights of the Himalayas to witness the incredible nesting habits of various birds. Morgan showcases the world's largest bird nest built by a pair of eagles on the top of a tree, and we see how the Alpin Swifts nest in dark caves hidden high in the cliffs to protect their young from frigid mountain temperatures.
In the third episode of Animal Homes, 'Plastered and Powerful,' we witness how a tiny insect - the termite - has built a towering home that rivals the size of skyscrapers. Morgan shows how these insects construct their massive structures from mud, saliva, and dung, and how these structures are impregnable against even the most aggressive of predators.
The fourth and final episode of the series, 'Built for Extremes,' takes us to the depths of the ocean, where we see how marine animals have adapted to life in one of the harshest environments on the planet. From the dazzling coral reefs of the Red Sea to the mysterious deep-sea trenches, Morgan takes us on an unforgettable exploration into the diverse habitats of the ocean's inhabitants.
Overall, Animal Homes offers a captivating, engaging, and inspiring look into the remarkable world of animal homes. Through stunning visuals and insightful narration, viewers learn about the intricate ways in which creatures build and maintain their habitats. Whether you're a nature enthusiast or just someone who appreciates the beauty of the natural world, Animal Homes is a documentary series that you don't want to miss.
Animal Homes is a series that ran for 1 seasons (3 episodes) between April 8, 2015 and on PBS Documentaries
CastChris Morgan
Premiere DateApril 8, 2015
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