Angelina Ballerina Season 5 Episode 18

Ep 18. Angelina and Her Parents' Dance Lessons

  • January 1, 2008
  • 13 min

Angelina Ballerina season 5 episode 18 is titled "Angelina and Her Parents' Dance Lessons". In this episode, Angelina's parents decide to take up ballroom dancing and seek the help of Miss Lilly. However, Angelina begins to feel left out and wishes to join in on the fun. Miss Lilly then suggests they teach her parents a dance that they can all perform together, and Angelina happily joins in.

The episode begins with Angelina's parents coming to her dance class to watch her perform. They are impressed by her talent and are inspired to take up ballroom dancing themselves. Miss Lilly agrees to teach them and sets up some dance lessons at the community center. While Angelina is initially excited for her parents, she starts to feel left out as they start spending more time at dance lessons instead of with her.

Angelina confides in her best friend, Alice, and they come up with a plan to join in on the dance lessons. They sneak into the community center and spy on the class, but get caught by Miss Lilly. Surprisingly, Miss Lilly is pleased to see Angelina's interest in ballroom dancing and decides to teach her a dance that they can all do together.

With Angelina now included in the dance lessons, the group starts working on their routine. However, it becomes clear that Angelina's parents are having trouble remembering the steps and timing. Angelina suggests that they practice at home and she can help them out. Her parents are initially hesitant to take dance lessons from their daughter, but eventually give in.

As they practice at home, Angelina's parents begin to improve their dancing skills with her help. They start having fun as a family and Angelina is thrilled that she can share her passion with her parents. On the day of the recital, Angelina's parents perform their routine flawlessly. Angelina also joins in for a portion of the dance and the audience is impressed by their performance as a family.

In the end, Angelina's parents thank her for helping them with their dancing and are happy that they can all share something new together. Angelina is also grateful for the experience and looks forward to more dance lessons with her family.

Overall, "Angelina and Her Parents' Dance Lessons" is a heartwarming episode that teaches the importance of family bonding and supporting each other's interests. The viewers also get a glimpse of ballroom dancing and the hard work that goes into learning and practicing a routine.

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  • First Aired
    January 1, 2008
  • Runtime
    13 min
  • Language