Angelina Ballerina Season 2 Episode 13

Ep 13. Angelina and the Silver Locket

  • January 1, 1970
  • 12 min

Angelina Ballerina season 2 episode 13, titled "Angelina and the Silver Locket," follows the beloved protagonist, Angelina, as she embarks on a search for a lost silver locket that she borrowed from her mother. Angelina is deeply worried about disappointing her mother and sets out on a mission to find the lost locket before she returns home.

The episode begins with Angelina and her best friend, Alice, playing together in the backyard. As they are playing, Angelina's mother comes outside to tell her that they will be leaving soon to go to the recital, where Angelina will be performing a solo ballet routine. Angelina is thrilled but suddenly realizes that the silver locket that she borrowed from her mother is missing from the chain around her neck. She panics and tries to backtrack to figure out where she might have lost it.

Angelina's friends help her search the house and the backyard, but they cannot find the locket. As the time for the recital draws near, Angelina becomes more and more anxious, fearing that her mother will be disappointed in her for losing the locket. With the help of her friends, she decides to expand her search to the dance studio, where she has been practicing for the recital.

When she gets to the studio, she overhears a conversation between her friends and another mouse, Marco, who had been in the studio earlier. Marco had seen the locket lying on one of the ballet barres and had picked it up, assuming it was his own lost locket. Angelina is relieved to hear that the locket has been found but becomes worried when she realizes that Marco has left for home already.

Angelina and her friends set out to find Marco's house, hoping to retrieve the locket before her mother returns home. They track down Marco's house but find out that he is not there. However, they discover that Marco's sister, Elena, has the locket! Elena had found it in her brother's room and had been considering keeping it for herself.

Angelina and her friends plead with Elena to return the locket, explaining how important it is to Angelina and her mother. Elena eventually relents and returns the locket, and Angelina finally breathes a sigh of relief. She rushes back to her house just in time for her performance, no longer burdened by the anxiety of having lost the locket.

The episode ends with Angelina's successful performance and her mother's proud applause. Angelina's mother is not upset about the lost locket, and Angelina realizes that her mother's love for her is not contingent on material objects. The episode teaches an important lesson about the value of friendships and the importance of honesty, responsibility, and understanding.

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  • First Aired
    January 1, 1970
  • Runtime
    12 min
  • Language