Ep 2. Gods & Aliens
- November 4, 2010
- 44 min
7.1 (259)
In Ancient Aliens season 2 episode 2, titled "Gods & Aliens," experts delve into the possibility that many of the gods featured in mythologies around the world could have been extraterrestrial beings. The show explores the overlap between religious and mythological stories about gods and alien encounters, highlighting the similarities between different cultures and their beliefs.
The episode starts by discussing the fact that many ancient civilizations believed their gods came down from the sky, often in glowing lights or silvery ships. Many people interpreted these accounts as religious miracles, but the show explores the possibility that these encounters were actually with advanced beings from other planets. The episode brings up the idea that mythological gods may have been extraterrestrial visitors who were worshiped as deities.
Throughout the episode, experts examine various religious texts and artifacts featuring images of gods, such as the Sumerian god Anu, who is often depicted as a winged figure in flight. The show also explores ancient Egyptian beliefs that the gods used the pyramids as portals to travel to other worlds and the Mayan god Kukulkan, who arrived on Earth in a flying serpent and was thought to have brought advanced knowledge with him.
Another fascinating aspect of the episode is the discussion of how ancient people may have interpreted ancient extraterrestrial technology. For instance, the show examines the possibility that Moses' "burning bush" in the Bible was actually a UFO, as well as other legendary tools such as the Ark of the Covenant, which may have been a tool for communication with alien entities.
Throughout the episode, the experts delve into the potential evidence for ancient alien encounters in different cultures and connect the dots between mythologies from around the world. As always, the show includes interviews with experts in various fields and draws on academic research to support its theories.
Overall, Ancient Aliens season 2 episode 2 offers a compelling case for the possibility that many of the gods and mythological figures worshipped throughout history were actually advanced extraterrestrial beings. The episode suggests that ancient alien encounters and interactions with these beings could have shaped humanity's religious and spiritual beliefs in ways that continue to influence us today.