An African City is a web series that follows the lives of five young African women who have returned to the continent after living in the United States for several years. The show depicts the trials and tribulations of these women as they navigate life and love in Accra, Ghana.
The series is an African version of the popular American television show Sex and the City. The five main characters, Nana Yaa, Sade, Makena, Zainab, and Ngozi, are all friends who have come back to the continent with different goals and aspirations. Nana Yaa is a graduate of Wellesley College who has come back to Ghana to start her own business. Sade is a former investment banker who is now working in Ghana's oil industry. Makena is a physician who has decided to use her skills to help provide healthcare to women in Ghana. Zainab is a fashion designer who has started her own clothing label in Ghana. Ngozi is a budding writer who is trying to establish herself as a successful author.
The show is set in Accra, the capital city of Ghana, and is shot in a documentary-style format. Each episode focuses on a different topic, such as relationships, family, careers, and African culture. The show portrays the different ways in which the characters grapple with their identities as both modern Africans and people who have been influenced by Western culture.
One of the most compelling aspects of the show is how it explores the intersection between traditional African culture and modernism. The characters are shown wearing traditional African clothing, attending cultural events and ceremonies, and speaking local Ghanaian languages, while at the same time, they are also shown using iPhones, driving cars, and listening to American music. The show depicts the complexity of modern African life and the ways in which Africans are reconciling their traditional culture with the globalized world.
Another interesting aspect of the show is how it addresses issues of gender and feminism. The characters are all strong, intelligent women who are determined to make a mark in their respective fields. They are portrayed as being in control of their sexuality and not being afraid to express their desires. The show breaks down stereotypes of African women as being submissive and passive and instead shows them as being assertive and independent. It also addresses the issue of sexual harassment and the ways in which women are standing up for themselves in a patriarchal society.
The show has been praised for its portrayal of Ghanaian culture and for its representation of modern Africa. It also has garnered criticism for its portrayal of a very specific segment of African society: the wealthy, educated elite. Some commentators have argued that the show does not accurately represent the majority of Africans, who do not have access to the privileges the characters enjoy.
Overall, An African City is a unique and innovative web series that explores contemporary African life in a relatable and entertaining way. It has become a cultural phenomenon in Ghana and around the world, showing that African stories and voices are important and should be heard.
CastEsosa E.Nana MensahMaameYaa Boafo
Premiere DateMarch 18, 2014
IMDB Rating8.3 (60)
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