An Adventure in Space & Time Season 1 Episode 1

Ep 1. An Adventure in Space & Time

  • November 12, 2013

An Adventure in Space & Time season 1 episode 1, titled "An Adventure in Space & Time," is a historical drama that recounts the turbulent creation of one of Britain's most beloved and longest-running television series, Doctor Who. Set in the early 1960s, the episode introduces viewers to Verity Lambert, a young and ambitious producer at the BBC who is determined to create a sci-fi show that will capture the imagination of a generation.

Lambert is portrayed by the talented actress and writer Jessica Raine, who imbues the character with a sense of determination, warmth, and vulnerability. Despite the fact that she is a woman in a male-dominated industry, Lambert refuses to be sidelined or underestimated. She is passionate about creating a show that is both entertaining and intelligent, and she is willing to take risks and challenge convention in order to achieve her vision.

The episode also introduces viewers to William Hartnell, a respected actor who is best known for playing gruff, tough-guy roles. Hartnell is initially skeptical about the idea of playing a character as silly and fantastical as the Doctor, but he eventually comes around to the project after meeting with Lambert and seeing some early footage. David Bradley delivers a nuanced and emotionally complex performance as Hartnell, capturing both the actor's biting wit and his heartrending vulnerability.

As the episode progresses, viewers are treated to a behind-the-scenes look at the creation of Doctor Who and its many memorable characters. They witness the casting of companions Susan (Carole Ann Ford), Barbara (Jemma Powell), and Ian (Jamie Glover), as well as the development of iconic villains like the Daleks. The episode also explores some of the challenges that Lambert and Hartnell faced, such as budget constraints, intense public scrutiny, and internal conflicts at the BBC.

Despite these challenges, Lambert and Hartnell persevere, driven by a shared passion for creating something truly special. By the end of the episode, viewers are left with a sense of excitement and wonder as they see the first episode of Doctor Who aired to a rapturous audience. The episode ends with a poignant scene of Hartnell watching the show from his living room, marveling at the impact that he and his co-creators have had on the world.

Overall, An Adventure in Space & Time season 1 episode 1 is a moving and heartfelt tribute to the creation of Doctor Who and the visionaries who brought it to life. It is a must-watch for fans of the show and anyone who is interested in the history of British television. The performances are uniformly excellent, the writing is sharp and incisive, and the direction is stylish and immersive. This is a show that is sure to delight and inspire audiences for years to come.

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  • First Aired
    November 12, 2013
  • Language