America Unplugged Season 1 Episode 7

Ep 7. Josh and Rachel Jackling

  • December 13, 1901

Josh and Rachel Jackling are the focus of season 1 episode 7 of America Unplugged. The Jacklings are a family of six living in a yurt in the middle of the wilderness in Idaho, completely off the grid. The family has been living off the land for years, and they pride themselves on being self-sufficient and living in harmony with nature.

The episode starts with a glimpse inside the Jacklings' daily life. The family wakes up early in the morning, and they all pitch in to do the chores around the yurt. The chores include feeding the animals, collecting firewood, and cooking breakfast. Josh and Rachel's four children are all homeschooled, and they help out with the household chores while also learning how to live off the land.

After breakfast, Josh and Rachel take the viewers on a tour of their property. The Jacklings' land is over 100 acres, and they have a garden, several chicken coops, a greenhouse, and a pond where they fish. Josh and Rachel explain how they built their yurt and other structures on their property using materials from the land. They also show the viewers how they collect and filter water from a nearby stream, and how they generate electricity using solar panels.

One of the highlights of the episode is when Josh and Rachel take the viewers on a hunting trip. The Jacklings rely on hunting and fishing for a large portion of their protein, and they are skilled at tracking and preparing wild game. Josh and Rachel explain the importance of being ethical hunters and how they only take what they need from the land. They also show the viewers how they field dress and butcher a deer, a skill that has been passed down through generations of their family.

The episode also covers the challenges of living off the grid. One of the biggest challenges is dealing with extreme weather conditions. The Jacklings live in an area that gets cold and snowy during the winter months, and they have to be prepared for power outages and other emergencies. They also have to deal with the occasional predator, such as a bear or a mountain lion, and they have to take precautions to keep their family and animals safe.

Throughout the episode, Josh and Rachel share their philosophy on living off the land. They believe that it is important to be self-sufficient and to have a deep connection with nature. They also believe that living off the grid is a way to minimize their impact on the environment and to preserve the natural world for future generations.

The episode ends with the Jacklings sitting around a campfire, roasting marshmallows and telling stories. They reflect on their lifestyle and the challenges and rewards that come with living off the grid. Josh and Rachel emphasize that living off the land is not for everyone, but for those who are willing to put in the work and make the sacrifices, the rewards are immeasurable.

In conclusion, season 1 episode 7 of America Unplugged featuring Josh and Rachel Jackling provides a fascinating look into the world of off-grid living. The Jacklings' lifestyle is both inspiring and challenging, and the episode provides a glimpse into the hard work and dedication that goes into living off the land. The episode is a must-watch for anyone interested in sustainability, self-sufficiency, or simply an alternative way of living.

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  • First Aired
    December 13, 1901
  • Language