America Says Season 3 Episode 15
America Says
Season 3

Ep 15. Potluck Posse vs. Ex-Roomies

  • August 9, 2019

Potluck Posse and Ex-Roomies go head-to-head in another exciting episode of America Says. The Potluck Posse team consists of friends who have formed a club around their love of cooking and eating together, while the Ex-Roomies team is composed of former roommates who have remained close after living together in college.

As the game begins, host John Michael Higgins presents a variety of survey questions to the teams, each with multiple answers. The teams race to buzz in and provide as many correct responses as they can in a limited amount of time. The questions cover a wide range of topics, from popular dog breeds to favorite Christmas movies.

As the game progresses, both teams prove to be strong competitors, with each member contributing their knowledge and expertise. The Potluck Posse team excels in questions related to food and cooking, while the Ex-Roomies show their strength in questions about popular TV shows and movies.

There are some very close rounds, with both teams coming within just a few points of each other. The tension and excitement build as the game goes on, with the outcome for each round remaining uncertain until the final seconds.

One highlight of the episode is a question on popular board games, which stumps both teams. However, after some creative brainstorming, both teams are able to come up with some unexpected answers.

In addition to the thrilling game play, America Says also features plenty of fun banter between the contestants and host John Michael Higgins. The contestants share stories and jokes throughout the episode, keeping the mood light and entertaining.

As the game comes to a close, tensions are high as both teams aim to emerge victorious. In a nail-biting final round, each team is given a category and must come up with as many correct responses as possible, with each correct answer adding to their score. The outcome of the game is left uncertain until the very end, with both teams putting up a valiant effort.

Overall, Potluck Posse vs. Ex-Roomies is an exciting and entertaining episode of America Says, showcasing the knowledge and competitiveness of both teams. With clever survey questions and plenty of laughs along the way, this episode is sure to keep viewers on the edge of their seats.

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  • First Aired
    August 9, 2019
  • Language