America Says Season 3 Episode 14
America Says
Season 3

Ep 14. School Faculty vs. Karaoke Singers

  • August 8, 2019

In America Says season 3 episode 14, viewers are in for an exciting game of wits and teamwork as the School Faculty team takes on the Karaoke Singers team. With the stakes set high and tensions rising, both teams bring their A-game to the table, ready to win the coveted $15,000 prize.

As the game begins, host John Michael Higgins fires off a series of rapid-fire questions, each with multiple possible answers. Answers are given in a "fill in the blank" style and must be completed in a certain amount of time. The teams are given a limited amount of time to confer with their teammates and come up with their answer.

The School Faculty team is comprised of a group of teachers and administrators from a local high school. This group of educators is well-educated and well-versed in a wide range of topics. They come into the game with a lot of confidence and are determined to show everyone why they are the best team to beat.

On the other side of the coin is the Karaoke Singers team. This group of vocalists is comprised of a collection of local performers who are regulars at the local karaoke bar scene. Despite the fact that they may not have the same academic credentials as the School Faculty team, they bring a lot of energy and confidence to the game. They are determined to show everyone that their knowledge extends beyond just music and song lyrics.

Throughout the course of the game, both teams demonstrate a wide range of knowledge on a variety of topics. From movie trivia to popular phrases to celebrity names, both teams are evenly matched and keep viewers on the edge of their seats.

At the heart of the game, both teams prove just how important teamwork and communication are to success. In order to come up with the right answers, each team must work together to pool their knowledge and ideas. Both the School Faculty and Karaoke Singers teams do an excellent job of communicating with one another, building on each other's ideas, and ultimately coming up with answers that might have been impossible to find on their own.

As the game progresses, the tension and excitement build. Both teams are neck-and-neck, with just a few questions separating them. Viewers can feel the excitement in the air as each answer is revealed, wondering which team will come out on top.

Throughout the episode, host John Michael Higgins provides a lighthearted and humorous atmosphere, ensuring that everyone is having fun. His quick wit and charming personality keep the game moving along at a fast pace, without ever feeling too frenzied or rushed.

In the end, viewers watch as the School Faculty team and the Karaoke Singers team battle it out until the very end. Without giving away any spoilers, it is safe to say that this episode of America Says is one that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. With so much at stake, both teams give it their all, resulting in an exciting, entertaining, and fun-to-watch game show experience.

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  • First Aired
    August 8, 2019
  • Language