America Says Season 3 Episode 12
America Says
Season 3

Ep 12. The Navarros vs. Team Harvard

  • August 6, 2019

The popular game show America Says is back with its third season, and episode 12 is all set to bring some exciting action to your screens. The episode is titled 'The Navarros vs. Team Harvard,' and features two competing teams battling it out against each other to see who comes out on top.

Team Navarro and Team Harvard are two dynamic groups who will engage in a heated competition to prove their knowledge and smarts. Both teams are pumped up and ready to take on the challenges thrown at them by the show's host, John Michael Higgins.

The Navarro team consists of friends who grew up together, and their synergy is palpable. They are confident in their abilities and have made it this far through teamwork, which they hope will carry them through this episode's many rounds. They are eager to prove that their hometown advantage can lead to victory.

In contrast, Team Harvard comprises a group of highly intellectual individuals who met while studying at the prestigious university. They bring a wealth of scholarly knowledge to the show, and are not afraid to show it. Their analytical skills and quick thinking will be put to the test as they compete head-to-head with the Navarro team.

The format of America Says is simple yet entertaining. Two teams face off against each other to guess how Americans fill in the blanks to various pop culture and general knowledge questions. The teams must race against the clock to guess the highest-ranking responses before their opponent does.

The first round of this episode is called "What's the Word?" Each team is presented with a category and missing word, and they have to guess all seven words relating to that category before the timer runs out. This round will undoubtedly separate the wheat from the chaff, and every correct guess is a point for the team.

Round two is called "Survey Says," a classic game show staple. The teams are given an incomplete question, and they have to guess the highest-ranking response among the answers from a poll of American adults. This round is an excellent way to test how well the teams know common trends and opinions in America.

Next up is the "One-Word Wonder" round which requires the teams to guess popular words that can describe a phrase or a person. The twist? The words they choose have to fit in an allotted character limit. The challenge is not just in knowing common adjectives, but finding creative and concise ways to express them.

The highlight of the episode is the "Rapid Fire" round, which pits the two teams against each other in a race to the finish line. The clock starts ticking, and the host reads out a full answer, and the teams have to race their buzzer to guess the question to which the answer applies. The stakes are high, and the energy is electric as the teams try to rack up the most points in the shortest amount of time.

The final round is called "The Ultimate Round," and it's where all the points come together. It's a head-to-head contest between the two teams, and the winner takes all. In this round, the teams are given a category and presented with a list of incomplete words in that category. The teams must fill in the blanks with the highest-ranking response before the other team can. The ultimate round is where the tension is highest, and the competitors leave nothing to chance.

The Navarros vs. Team Harvard episode is a nerve-wracking affair filled with the thrill of competition. Will the Navarro team triumph with their hometown advantage, or will the intellectual prowess of Team Harvard carry them through to victory? You'll have to tune in to find out who emerges as the episode's ultimate champion.

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  • First Aired
    August 6, 2019
  • Language