Almost Naked Animals Season 3 Episode 16

Ep 16. The Snow-tel

  • June 11, 2013
  • 11 min

In Almost Naked Animals season 3 episode 16, titled "The Snow-tel," the gang at the Banana Cabana find themselves sinking in snow as they try to navigate their way through a massive blizzard. With their usual hangout spot no longer accessible, Howie and the crew are forced to seek shelter at a nearby hotel called the Snow-tel.

But this isn't any ordinary hotel - as the name implies, it's made entirely out of snow and ice, and it's run by a group of penguins. Despite the chilly conditions, the penguins are more than happy to provide lodging for the shivering animals - but there's a catch. In order to stay, the gang must compete in a series of winter-themed challenges, including a snowball fight and an ice-skating race.

At first, the animals are hesitant to join in the competitions - after all, they're not exactly well-equipped for snowy sports. However, when they see the prize for winning - an all-you-can-eat ice cream buffet - they decide to give it their all.

The first challenge is a snowball fight, led by the Snow-tel's resident tough guy, Spike. Howie and the others are pelted with snowballs left and right, and it seems like they're no match for the skilled penguins. But when Batty unveils her secret weapon - a slingshot that launches snowballs at ridiculous speeds - the tide turns in their favor.

The second challenge is an ice-skating race, and this time the stakes are even higher - the winner will get to choose any item from the Snow-tel gift shop as a prize. The animals aren't very proficient on ice, but they give it their all, with Sloth even managing to pull off a sweet spin. In the end, it's Pig who emerges victorious, thanks to his ability to glide effortlessly on his stubby little legs.

As the night wears on, Howie and his friends begin to realize that they're having a lot of fun at the Snow-tel. Sure, they miss their warm, sunny Banana Cabana, but there's something exhilarating about being out of their element and pushing themselves to try new things.

Just when it seems like the gang has successfully completed all the challenges, Spike reveals one final twist. Instead of just one grand prize, there are three - an ice cream buffet, a snowboarding lesson from Spike himself, and a trip to a tropical island to escape the winter cold. To determine who wins what, the animals must engage in a tiebreaker challenge - a sled race down a steep, icy slope.

It's a close race, with all the animals neck-and-neck as they hurtle down the slope. But in the end, it's Howie who manages to cross the finish line first, earning himself a trip to the tropical island. Sloth gets the snowboarding lesson, and everyone else gets to chow down on all the ice cream they can eat.

As the gang prepares to head back to the Banana Cabana, they're all feeling grateful for the unexpected adventure they've had. They realize that even though they're all very different animals, they make a pretty great team when they work together - even in the snow.

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Almost Naked Animals, Season 3 Episode 16, is available to watch free on Tubi TV and stream on Cartoon Network. You can also stream, download, buy, rent Almost Naked Animals on demand at Amazon Prime, Amazon online.
  • First Aired
    June 11, 2013
  • Runtime
    11 min
  • Language