Watch Alien Surf Girls
- 2012
- 1 Season
6.9 (797)
Alien Surf Girls is a thrilling and entertaining Australian television show that first premiered on Nickelodeon in 2012. The series follows the journey of three teenage girls; Zoey (played by Paige Houden), Madison (Simone Bennett-Smith), and Kiki (Reece Milne), who discover that they are not from earth but are actually aliens from the planet Lumina.
After unknowingly surfing into a portal that took them to earth, the girls were discovered by a local boy named Brandon (Da Yen Zheng), who takes them in and helps them adapt to their new environment. The girls try to blend in with the humans and live normal lives, but they soon discover they have unique powers related to the elements
Alien Surf Girls is a series that ran for 1 seasons (26 episodes) between May 29, 2012 and on Nickelodeon