Alfred Hitchcock Hour Season 1 Episode 8

Ep 8. House Guest

  • November 8, 1962
  • 7.5  (439)

In the Alfred Hitchcock Hour season 1 episode 8, titled "House Guest," we witness a disturbing tale of a man named Eugene Brackin who innocently invites his home nurse Iris over for dinner. As the night progresses, Iris becomes mysteriously ill, leading Eugene to believe that someone has poisoned her. Eugene's paranoia grows as he interrogates the other house guests that were with Iris and him earlier that evening, including his wife and her cousin, who recently inherited a large sum of money.

As the night goes on and tensions continue to rise, we begin to question Eugene's sanity and motivation for accusing those closest to him. The plot thickens as we delve deeper into the relationships of the individuals present that night and their potential motives for harming Iris.

The episode does well at building suspense and keeping the audience on their toes as they try to piece together the mystery along with Eugene. As the story unravels, we are left questioning who we can trust and who is truly responsible for Iris's mysterious illness.

The acting in this episode is particularly notable, with standout performances from both Alfred Hitchcock veterans and newcomers. We are also treated to Hitchcock's signature directing style, with camera angles and close-ups adding to the tension and unease.

Overall, "House Guest" is a gripping and suspenseful episode that keeps viewers engaged throughout its runtime. It is a testament to Hitchcock's ability to create masterful thrillers and showcases why his work has stood the test of time.

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  • First Aired
    November 8, 1962
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.5  (439)