Alfred Hitchcock Hour Season 1 Episode 5

Ep 5. Captive Audience

  • October 18, 1962
  • 7.7  (507)

The Alfred Hitchcock Hour season 1 episode 5 titled "Captive Audience" is a gripping psychological thriller that keeps the viewers on the edge of their seats. The episode revolves around the character of Edward Hall, played by James Mason, a successful TV producer who is held hostage in his own home by an obsessed fan.

The episode starts with Hall finishing up some work in his office when he hears a knock on his door. He opens it to find a young woman named Sarah, played by Angie Dickinson, who claims to be a big fan of his work and asks for an autograph. Hall obliges her, but when he turns around to go back into his house, Sarah pulls out a gun and demands that he take her inside.

Once inside, Sarah reveals that she has been watching Hall's TV shows for years and has developed an unhealthy obsession with him. She wants him to recreate a scene from one of his shows in which a woman is held captive in a remote cabin, and the male protagonist must rescue her. Sarah wants to be that woman, and she wants Hall to play the male lead.

Hall is initially horrified by the proposal and tries to reason with her, but Sarah is resolute. She has planned everything down to the smallest detail and won't take no for an answer. She has even gone so far as to steal his gun and tie him up.

As the night wears on, Hall realizes that Sarah is incredibly unstable and that his life is in danger. She becomes increasingly possessive and refuses to let him go. She begins to make delusional statements about how they were meant to be together and how he is the only one who truly understands her.

Hall tries to use his charm and wit to convince Sarah to let him go, but his efforts are futile. She is too far gone, and she has convinced herself that they are in a romantic relationship.

The tension in the episode builds as Hall hatches a plan to try and escape, but Sarah is one step ahead of him. She has anticipated all of his moves, and he is forced to confront her head-on.

The climax of the episode is intense and leaves the viewers on the edge of their seats. Will Hall be able to escape from the clutches of this deranged fan, or will he become another victim of her twisted fantasy?

Overall, "Captive Audience" is a riveting episode that showcases the great storytelling and suspenseful direction that Alfred Hitchcock is known for. The performances of James Mason and Angie Dickinson are both fantastic, and they do an excellent job of bringing their characters to life.

The episode is a cautionary tale about the dangers of obsession and how it can turn someone's harmless admiration into something far more sinister. It is a chilling reminder that sometimes, the people we admire most can become our worst nightmares.

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  • First Aired
    October 18, 1962
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.7  (507)