Alfred Hitchcock Hour Season 1 Episode 4

Ep 4. I Saw the Whole Thing

  • October 11, 1962
  • 7.5  (632)

"I Saw the Whole Thing" is an episode of the Alfred Hitchcock Hour, season 1, episode 4. The episode revolves around the central character of Mr. Parkson, a man who witnesses a car accident. The plot begins when Mr. Parkson is standing at a street corner and sees a car hit a man crossing the road. The accident is fatal, and the driver of the car, a young woman named Elizabeth Renay, is brought to trial.

Mr. Parkson becomes the key witness in the case, and the outcome hinges on his testimony. However, Mr. Parkson's version of events is challenged when a series of witnesses, who also claim to have seen the accident, contradict his account. These witnesses, ranging from a photography enthusiast to a group of nuns, provide their own versions of what they saw, and their stories differ greatly from Mr. Parkson's.

As the trial progresses, the audience is left to question what really happened that fateful day. Was Mr. Parkson mistaken, or were the other witnesses lying? As tensions escalate and the stakes become higher, the episode takes on a tense and suspenseful tone that is characteristic of Alfred Hitchcock's work. Ultimately, the episode builds to a shocking conclusion that will leave audiences on the edge of their seats.

"I Saw the Whole Thing" is a classic example of Hitchcock's mastery of suspense and intrigue. With its well-paced storyline and intricate plot twists, the episode keeps viewers guessing until the very end. The use of multiple witnesses and their varying perspectives adds layers of complexity to the story, creating a sense of depth and nuance that is rarely seen in television.

Throughout the episode, Hitchcock employs his signature style of subtle tension-building, setting the scene and creating a mounting sense of unease that bubbles just beneath the surface. This sense of apprehension is further amplified by the careful use of lighting and camera angles, which lend an eerie quality to the proceedings. The result is a haunting and unforgettable episode that showcases Hitchcock's unparalleled skill as a storyteller.

In conclusion, "I Saw the Whole Thing" is a classic episode of the Alfred Hitchcock Hour that is sure to appeal to fans of suspense and mystery. With its intricate plot, well-developed characters, and expert pacing, this episode remains a shining example of what made Hitchcock such a master of his craft. Whether you're a die-hard fan of classic television or just love a good mystery, this episode is well worth a watch.

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  • First Aired
    October 11, 1962
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.5  (632)