Alfred Hitchcock Hour Season 1 Episode 3

Ep 3. Night of the Owl

  • October 4, 1962
  • 7.0  (488)

In Alfred Hitchcock Hour season 1 episode 3, titled "Night of the Owl," the viewer is introduced to a man named Howard Latimer who is troubled by a recurring nightmare involving an owl. Howard is a successful businessman with a loving wife and daughter, but his obsession with the dream begins to impact his daily life, causing him to become increasingly paranoid and anxious.

One evening, Howard attends a work function where he meets an older man named Walsh, who claims to be a psychic. Walsh takes an immediate interest in Howard's plight and offers to help him conquer his fear of the owl by inviting him to his home for a séance.

Upon arriving at Walsh's home, Howard meets several other individuals who are also seeking spiritual guidance, including a young woman named Julia. As the séance begins, Howard becomes increasingly uneasy, feeling as though Walsh may be manipulating the group for his own nefarious purposes.

As the night progresses, strange occurrences begin to take place, including the apparition of the owl from Howard's dreams and the sudden disappearance of Julia. Howard soon realizes that he has been lured into a trap and that the séance is actually part of a larger scheme orchestrated by Walsh and his cohorts.

In order to escape from the dangerous situation, Howard must use his wits and resourcefulness to outsmart his captors and free himself from their clutches. Along the way, he must confront his deepest fears and overcome the trauma that has been haunting him for so long.

"Night of the Owl" is a gripping psychological thriller that explores themes of paranoia, obsession, and the power of the human psyche. With its masterful direction by Alfred Hitchcock and unforgettable performances by the talented cast, this episode is a standout in the series and a must-watch for fans of classic suspense.

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  • First Aired
    October 4, 1962
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.0  (488)