Alfred Hitchcock Hour Season 1 Episode 2

Ep 2. Don't Look Behind You

  • September 27, 1962
  • 6.9  (584)

In the Alfred Hitchcock Hour season 1, episode 2 titled "Don't Look Behind You," viewers are taken on a thrilling ride as they follow the story of a woman named Cathy who is on the run after witnessing a murder. The episode begins with Cathy on the phone with her sister, Denise, as she frantically packs her bags and prepares to leave her home. Cathy explains to her sister that she witnessed a murder and is now being chased by the killer. Denise advises Cathy to go to the police, but Cathy is too afraid and believes that the killer may have connections in law enforcement.

Cathy manages to escape her town and heads to a nearby gas station to refill her car. While at the station, she overhears a man discussing a woman who had been murdered recently, and Cathy becomes convinced that the killer is still after her. She quickly rushes out of the station, but not before catching the eye of a suspicious man who appears to be following her.

Cathy's fear intensifies as she travels further, and she begins to see the killer's face everywhere she goes. She stops at a diner to regroup and catch her breath, but her nerves are shot and she is unable to relax. The man from the gas station is sitting in the booth behind her, and she becomes convinced that he is working with the killer.

As the episode progresses, Cathy's paranoia continues to grow, and she becomes increasingly desperate to escape her pursuer. She meets a friendly couple who offer her a ride, but her fear gets the better of her, and she ends up stealing their car and speeding away. The man from the gas station is still following her, and she knows that she needs to find a way to lose him.

The tension in the episode builds to a climactic ending as Cathy's past is revealed, and viewers are left gasping for breath as the final scene unfolds. "Don't Look Behind You" is a thrilling and suspenseful episode that is sure to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. With twists and turns at every corner, this episode is a true testament to Alfred Hitchcock's mastery of the thriller genre and is not to be missed.

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  • First Aired
    September 27, 1962
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    6.9  (584)