Alfred Hitchcock Hour Season 1 Episode 12

Ep 12. Hangover

  • December 6, 1962
  • 7.1  (404)

The Alfred Hitchcock Hour season 1 episode 12, titled "Hangover," is a gripping tale about a middle-aged man named George (played by David Wayne) who wakes up with a massive hangover and no memory of the previous night's events. As he struggles to piece together the events of the previous evening, he realizes he may have committed a heinous crime.

The episode starts with a jarring scene of George waking up in his car, parked at a gas station. He is disoriented and confused, with no recollection of how he ended up there. As he drives home, he notices a dent on the side of his car and blood on his shirt. This sends him into a panicked frenzy as he tries to figure out what happened to him the night before.

In flashbacks, we see George at a bar, drinking heavily and flirting with a woman named Liz (played by Joanna Moore). As the night progresses, George becomes increasingly intoxicated and violent, leading to a jaw-dropping climax that will keep viewers on the edge of their seat.

The episode is directed by Alfred Hitchcock, who lends his masterful touch to the suspenseful plot. He ramps up the tension throughout the episode, using dramatic camera angles and eerie music to create a sense of unease.

David Wayne delivers a powerful performance as George, perfectly capturing his fear and desperation as he tries to remember what happened to him. His chemistry with Joanna Moore is electric, adding an extra layer of tension to the already gripping storyline.

"Hangover" is a standout episode of The Alfred Hitchcock Hour, showcasing the show's ability to tell complex and captivating stories in a short amount of time. With its expert direction, impeccable acting, and shocking twist ending, it is sure to leave a lasting impression on viewers.

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  • First Aired
    December 6, 1962
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.1  (404)