Ep 8. Episode 8
The show Al Hayba is a Lebanese drama television series that tells the story of the Al-Sheikh family, prominent figures engaged in the drug trade in Lebanon. In season one, tensions are running high between the Al-Sheikh family and their bitter rivals, the Jabal family. When Jabal's son, Adel, is sent to live with the Al-Sheikhs, a love affair between him and Alia, the daughter of the Al-Sheikh family, ignites a war that threatens to tear both families apart.
In episode 8, emotions run high as the feud between the Al-Sheikh and Jabal families reaches a boiling point. Following the shocking death of one of their own, the Al-Sheikhs are determined to get revenge and show their enemies who's boss. However, things quickly go awry when Jabal's men retaliate and the situation escalates into a full-blown war between the two families.
Meanwhile, Alia finds herself caught in the crossfire as her loyalty to both Adel and her family is put to the test. As tensions rise, she must decide whether to stay true to her heart or to her bloodline, a choice that could have deadly consequences for all involved.
In addition to the action-packed main storyline, episode 8 also explores the complex relationships between the various members of the Al-Sheikh family. We see a glimpse of their past and their motivations for choosing a life of crime, and we witness their struggle to maintain their power and wealth in a world where corruption and violence are rampant.
Overall, episode 8 of Al Hayba is a thrilling and intense installment that will leave viewers on the edge of their seats. With its intricate plotlines and complex characters, this series is a must-watch for fans of drama, action, and suspense.