Ep 7. Episode 7
Al Hayba is a Lebanese drama series that follows the life of a prominent family named Al-Saab who control a small village on the Lebanon-Syria border. In this episode, Episode 7, tensions continue to rise as the Al-Saab family faces external and internal threats.
The episode opens with Jabal (played by Taim Hasan), the head of the Al-Saab family, attempting to negotiate a deal with a corrupt politician named Abu Khaled. The deal revolves around smuggling goods across the border with Syria. However, the negotiations take a turn for the worse when Abu Khaled demands a much larger share of the profits than Jabal is willing to give. As the two men argue, it becomes clear that Abu Khaled is not to be trusted.
Meanwhile, Adel (played by Alaa Shaker), Jabal's brother, is struggling with his own internal conflicts. He is torn between his loyalty to the family and his desire to protect his wife from the dangers of their lifestyle. Adel's wife, Rima (played by Negar Khan), is pregnant, and Adel fears for her safety in light of recent events.
As tensions rise, the family receives unexpected news. Nassim (played by Oweiss Mkhallalati), the youngest member of the Al-Saab family, has been kidnapped. Nassim's kidnapping serves as a wake-up call for the family, who realize that their enemies are becoming more brazen in their attacks.
Jabal decides to take matters into his own hands, and enlists the help of his cousin, Moosa (played by Abdo Chahine), to find Nassim. Moosa is known for his ruthless tactics, and Jabal hopes that he can help track down Nassim quickly.
As the search for Nassim intensifies, tensions between Adel and Jabal continue to simmer. Adel is beginning to question whether the family's lifestyle is worth the risks they are taking. He is also suspicious of Jabal's actions and motives, and wonders whether Jabal is putting the family in danger.
In the climactic final scenes of the episode, the family finally locates Nassim. However, they also discover that Abu Khaled was behind the kidnapping. Jabal confronts Abu Khaled, but the situation quickly spirals out of control. In the chaos, one of the Al-Saab family members is wounded, and the episode ends on a dramatic cliffhanger.
Overall, Episode 7 of Al Hayba is a tense and action-packed episode that sets the stage for even more drama in the episodes to come. As the family struggles with both external and internal conflicts, viewers are left on the edge of their seats, wondering what will happen next.