Aishiteruze Baby Season 1 Episode 5
Aishiteruze Baby
Season 1

Ep 5. The Reason for Her Tears

  • May 8, 2004

The episode "The Reason for Her Tears" is the fifth episode of the first season of Aishiteruze Baby. The show follows the story of a high school student named Kippei who has to take care of his 5-year-old cousin Yuzuyu while her mother is away. In this episode, Kippei experiences difficulty in comforting Yuzuyu when she comes home from school in tears.

The episode begins with Kippei receiving a call from Yuzuyu's teacher, informing him that Yuzuyu was crying at school and that Kippei needs to come pick her up. Kippei rushes to her school and is surprised to find out that Yuzuyu is crying because one of her classmates made fun of her father who had recently passed away. Kippei tries to comfort her by telling her that her father is watching over her but Yuzuyu continues to be inconsolable.

Back at home, Kippei and his family try different methods to cheer her up, but nothing seems to work. Her older brother Kokoro suggests taking Yuzuyu out to get ice cream, hoping that it will distract her. Kippei agrees and takes her to the ice cream shop, but she remains sad and refuses to eat.

Feeling helpless, Kippei reaches out to Yuzuyu's mother who is away for work. He tells her about what happened at school and asks her for advice on how to help Yuzuyu. Yuzuyu's mother tells him to be patient and let Yuzuyu cry it out. She explains that sometimes crying is the best way to deal with our emotions and that Yuzuyu just needs time to process her feelings.

Following her advice, Kippei decides to let Yuzuyu cry it out in his arms. Eventually, Yuzuyu falls asleep and wakes up feeling much better. Kippei and Yuzu bond over their shared sorrow, as Kippei's mother had passed away when he was a child and he was never given the opportunity to mourn her properly. In the end, Yuzuyu is able to move past her emotional turmoil and return to her happy self.

Overall, "The Reason for Her Tears" is a heartwarming episode that explores the complex emotions of grief and mourning. It demonstrates the importance of patience, love, and understanding when it comes to helping children cope with difficult situations. The episode also highlights the strong bond between Kippei and Yuzuyu, as they both learn how to lean on each other in times of emotional turmoil.

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  • First Aired
    May 8, 2004
  • Language