Aishiteruze Baby Season 1 Episode 4
Aishiteruze Baby
Season 1

Ep 4. Yuzu's Crayon

  • April 24, 2004

Yuzu's Crayon is the fourth episode of the first season of Aishiteruze Baby. The episode starts with Katakura Kippei, the main protagonist, returning from school to find his cousin Yuzuyu waiting for him outside his house. Yuzuyu is a cute and innocent five-year-old girl who Kippei has been tasked with taking care of. Yuzuyu is playing with a crayon that her mother gave her, and Kippei is happy to see her having fun.

Kippei takes Yuzuyu inside, where he asks her if she wants to do some fun activities together. Yuzuyu is excited, and she suggests that they play hide-and-seek. Kippei agrees, and they start playing. Yuzuyu hides under the dining table, and Kippei finds her quickly. They continue playing, and Yuzuyu suggests they play with her crayon instead.

Yuzuyu then proceeds to show Kippei her crayon drawings, which she is very proud of. Kippei is impressed with her drawing skills, and he encourages her to draw more. Yuzuyu happily obliges, and she starts drawing a picture of her and Kippei together. Kippei is touched by the drawing, and he realizes how much he cares for Yuzuyu.

As they continue spending time together, Kippei notices that Yuzuyu's crayon is running out of ink. Kippei then makes a plan to surprise Yuzuyu by taking her to the bookstore to buy a new set of crayons. When they arrive at the bookstore, Yuzuyu is thrilled by the selection of colors, and she picks out her favorite set. Kippei then takes Yuzuyu to a nearby park, where they spend the rest of the day drawing and playing together.

The episode then takes a more serious turn, as the topic of Yuzuyu's absent mother is brought up. Kippei's family is concerned about Yuzuyu's safety, as they know that her mother has a history of neglecting her. Kippei reassures them that he will take care of Yuzuyu, and he makes a promise to her that he will always be there for her. Yuzuyu is visibly moved by Kippei's gesture, and she hugs him tightly.

The episode ends with Yuzuyu falling asleep in Kippei's arms, happy and content. Kippei looks at Yuzuyu with affection and realizes how much he has grown to love her. The episode is a heartwarming depiction of the bond between Kippei and Yuzuyu, and it highlights the importance of family and the unconditional love that comes with it.

In conclusion, Yuzu's Crayon is a touching and emotional episode that showcases the relationship between Kippei and Yuzuyu. It is a reminder of the power of love and how it can change lives and bring people together. The episode is a must-watch for fans of the show and anyone who appreciates heartwarming and meaningful stories.

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  • First Aired
    April 24, 2004
  • Language