Ep 6. Once Upon an Avalanche
6.7 (46)
Once Upon an Avalanche is the sixth episode of the popular Christian radio drama show Adventures in Odyssey, and it revolves around the adventures of two young boys, Dylan and Sal. The episode begins with Dylan and Sal planning a winter camping trip, but the weather forecast takes a turn for the worse, and the boys begin to worry that they might not be able to enjoy their trip.
Despite their concerns, the boys decide to press on with their winter camping adventure. Along the way, they meet a couple of other kids who are also camping in the area, and the group bands together to explore the wintry landscape around them. As the day wears on, the weather grows chillier, and the group decides to build an igloo to keep warm.
But as they work, they hear a rumble in the distance, and soon they realize that they're in the middle of a dangerous avalanche! The group scrambles to take cover in the igloo they just built, but will it be enough to protect them from the fury of the snowstorm?
Through their journey, the boys learn about the value of teamwork, preparedness, and trusting in the Lord. They come to understand that there are many dangers in the world, but that with the right set of skills and a bit of courage, they can face them head on.
At the end of the episode, the boys return home safely, but with a newfound appreciation for the power of nature and the importance of being prepared for anything. Once Upon an Avalanche is an exciting and thought-provoking episode that will keep listeners on the edge of their seats from start to finish.